Since it isn’t the same as dark chocolate, can dogs eat white chocolate? Keep reading to find out how safe white chocolate is for dogs.
Dog owners, we are very careful with what we let our furry friends eat. White chocolate is one of those confusing types of sweets – is it safe? Is it dangerous? How much chocolate can they eat safely?
In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about white chocolate before you share it with your fur babies.

For ultimate pet safety, please ask your vet any questions you have regarding your dog eating white chocolate.
Can Dogs Eat White Chocolate
Chocolate consumption is a very real concern for dogs. The general rule you should always follow is to always keep all kinds of chocolate away from your dog – including white chocolate. That will keep your dog as safe as possible.
It’s important to understand that white chocolate is different from other kinds of chocolate. You won’t have to worry about your dog dying if they happen to eat a tiny bit of white chocolate.
Please understand, I am not a veterinarian and I don’t know your dog’s health. That’s why it’s always best to just keep white chocolate away from your dog.

Type Of Chocolate and Dogs
This is what you need to know – Theobromine is a dangerous component in chocolate. It is found in cocoa beans, cocoa powder, and cocoa solids.
This alkaloid is found in all the different types of chocolate – there is more in some types and less of it in others. Unsweetened baker’s chocolate has 390mg of theobromine per ounce. Compare that to 200mg in dark chocolate and 60mg in milk chocolate.
The reason most people aren’t worried about a tiny bit of white chocolate being deadly to dogs is that it only has 0.25mg of theobromine in each ounce. They would have to eat a large amount of it for the white chocolate to be deadly.
Is White Chocolate Bad For Dogs
Yes, white chocolate is bad for dogs. It isn’t as deadly as baker’s chocolate or dark chocolate, but it is still really bad for them, especially dogs with current health problems.
White chocolate is really high in sugar and fat, which puts your dog at risk for pancreatitis.
Another thing to watch out for is any type of white chocolate treats that have the toxic ingredient Xylitol. Artificial sweeteners are very unhealthy for dogs, but Xylitol is really dangerous. Too much can cause seizures and even death.
Is White Chocolate Toxic To Dogs
So, can white chocolate kill dogs? It’s a very unhealthy type of food and too much of it could possibly lead to theobromine toxicity.
How deadly it is for your dog depends on the size of your dog and the weight of the dog, since toxicity depends on the levels of the theobromine compared to your dog’s overall size.
A small dog can handle less white chocolate than a larger dog.
According to VCA Hospitals, “White chocolate rarely poses any threat of chocolate poisoning with only 0.25 mg of theobromine per ounce of chocolate.” They continue to say that you should still keep it away from your dogs because it has way too much sugar and fat to be healthy or safe.
Is White Chocolate OK For Dogs
If a small amount might not harm them, is white chocolate safe for dogs? No, I would not say that it is safe. Any type of chocolate – even white chocolate – poses a threat. The threat is less likely with white chocolate, but it is still there.
Plus, white chocolate has high levels of sugar and fat, which puts your pet at higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, digestive issues, and obesity.
Are Dogs Allergic To White Chocolate
No, dogs are not usually allergic to white chocolate. If your dog ate white chocolate and you notice these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian about a possible allergy.
The most common food allergy symptoms in dogs are:
- Itchy Skin
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Hyperactivity
- Lack of Energy
- Aggression
- Muscle tremors
How Much White Chocolate Can A Dog Eat
Dogs need to eat a high-protein and low-fat diet. When it comes to how much white chocolate dogs can eat, the answer is “none.” There really isn’t a safe amount that dogs can eat. Even a bite can add unnecessary calories and fat to your dog’s diet, which can lead to other health issues.
My Dog Ate White Chocolate – What Do I Do
If your dog ate white chocolate, do your best to keep track of how much your dog ate and what else was with it. Did they eat other kinds of chocolate? What other types of food did they get into?
Then, contact your local veterinarian as soon as you can. If you need it, the pet poison helpline is another fantastic resource. Call them at (855) 764-7661.
If your dog ate too much white chocolate to be safe, your veterinarian might give them activated charcoal to prevent the toxic ingredients from causing damage.
Symptoms Of Chocolate Poisoning In Dogs
These are the most common clinical signs of chocolate poisoning in dogs.
- Abnormal heart rhythm
- Fast Heart rate
- High blood pressure
- Dehydration
- Diarrhea
- Panting
- Seizures
- Shaking
If you are afraid your dog might be one of the severe cases of chocolate poisoning, please contact your veterinarian’s emergency phone number.
Can Dogs Eat White Chocolate Macadamia
When it comes to toxicity, the amount of it matters the most. So, let’s look at cookies with white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts or white chocolate candy with macadamia nuts.
These sweet treats are harmful to dogs. Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs. One cookie can cause deadly harm to your dog. Do not give it to them.
Can Dogs Eat White Chocolate Chips
Pet owners, please do not let your dog eat white chocolate chips – even mixed into other treats or recipes. They have too much sugar and fat and can put your dog at higher risk of obesity and related health issues.

Can Dogs Eat White Chocolate Ice Cream
Even a small amount of chocolate can upset your dog’s stomach. If your dog is not allergic to milk or lactose intolerant, then a small amount of plain vanilla ice cream is the safest way to share it with them.
Do not give them any kind of ice cream with chocolate – even white chocolate.
Can Dogs Eat White Chocolate Reese’s
Even though most dogs can safely eat peanut butter, you should not give your dog any kind of Reese’s candies. They are covered in chocolate which can be unsafe for your pet to eat.
Can Dogs Eat White Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Dogs should not eat white chocolate or yogurt-covered pretzels. Not only is it a snack that has way too much sugar and fat, but pretzels are high in salt, which is also dangerous for dogs.
Read more about pretzels in this guide to pretzels and dogs.
Dog-Safe Chocolate
Did you know there is a type of chocolate dogs can eat? Yup! Carob is a plant that has a flavor that is really close to chocolate. It even tastes a little sweeter than cocoa. It’s even good for dogs too, full of calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients.
If you find chocolate dog treats, read the ingredients. Chances are they are made with carob.
Final Thoughts
It’s a good idea to keep any kind of chocolate – even white chocolate – away from your dog. Even though it has lower levels of theobromine than baker’s or dark chocolate does, it is still unsafe and too risky to let your dog eat it.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some more resources about other candy dogs can and can’t eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Caramel
- Can Dogs Eat Gummy Bears
- Can Dogs Eat Jelly Beans
- Can Dogs Eat Licorice
- Can Dogs Eat Molasses
- Can Dogs Eat Peppermint
- Can Dogs Eat Skittles
- Can Dogs Have Stevia
Find lots more articles on food dogs can eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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