Dogs shouldn’t eat candy, but can dogs eat Skittles? Read this guide to learn everything you need to know about dogs and Skittles.
They might not seem very dangerous, but there is a lot you need to know before you let your dog eat these colorful candies. This guide will answer all of your questions
For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating Skittles.
Can Dogs Eat Skittles
As you eat these colorful treats, your dog might look at you longingly, and you’ll wonder, “can dogs have skittles?” They seem harmless enough – no chocolate – but how safe are they?
Looking at the ingredients, there is nothing toxic for dogs in them. They are basically made from sugar, food colors, and fruit flavors.
Does that mean dogs should eat them? That’s a personal choice, but you should probably keep them away from your dog as much as possible.
Too much sugar is bad for a dog’s overall health. It can affect their blood sugar and weight, and that can affect other parts of their health – like their heart and organs.
Does Skittles Have Xylitol
No, Skittles does not contain xylitol. This ingredient is toxic for dogs and you are right for asking if Skittles has xylitol in it.
Skittles are made with a combination of sugar, corn syrup, and hydrogenated palm kernel oil (among other things like corn starch and flavors).
Are Skittles Bad For Dogs
Even though a few Skittles might not harm your dog immediately, they are actually bad for their health.
Dogs should not eat foods that are high in sugar and calories. Sugary foods will raise their blood sugar – so it is especially bad for dogs that are diabetic.
Another thing that sugary treats do to dogs is increases their chances of gaining weight. Just like in humans, obesity for dogs makes them at risk for heart disease, organ issues, and diabetes.
So, can dogs eat Skittles candy? Yes, they can, but they shouldn’t because there are a lot of healthier alternatives.
Are dogs allowed to eat Skittles? Yes, but they shouldn’t. Not only is it bad for their blood sugar and weight, but it could cause cavities too.
Are Skittles Poisonous for Dogs
When we talk about poisonous foods, we are referring to things that could produce a poison or toxin that might cause death or illness.
Skittles are not poisonous. They are extremely unhealthy, but they are not poisonous.
Can Dogs Eat Sour Skittles
There are a few different types of Skittles and one of the most popular is sour Skittles.
The ingredients in sour skittles is pretty much the same as original ones – it just has different flavors. Both types are basically safe for dogs to eat – but they still shouldn’t. Both types of candy could lead to unhealthy weight gain and cavities.
What Happens If A Dog Eats Skittles
The exact reaction your dog will have to Skittles depends on their health before they eat them. The candy will increase their blood sugar. If your dog is already diabetic, this could affect them worse than a healthy dog.
The most common signs of increased blood sugar are vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.
My Dog Ate Skittles – What Do I Do
If your dog has diabetes and ate a bunch of Skittles, contact your veterinarian.
If your dog is healthy and got into the Skittles, just watch for signs of increases blood sugar and give them plenty of water to drink (and bathroom breaks outside).
Always contact your veterinarian if you feel like your dog is acting in a way that worries you. Follow your gut!
What To Do If Your Dog Eats Candy
Always check the ingredients in the candy that your dog ate. If it contains raisins, chocolate, or xylitol, then contact your veterinarian.
You should also try to figure out how much candy your dog ate. This is information the vet will need to know.
Then, try to make your dog comfortable. Give them plenty of water and bathroom breaks. Chances are the worst that will happen is an upset stomach, but keep a very close eye on them.
Final Thoughts
For your dog’s health and well-being, keep them away from Skittles. Dogs should not eat candy or any other foods that are really high in sugar. This is especially important if they are already overweight or have diabetes.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some more articles about other human candy and whether they are safe or toxic for your dog to eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Fruit Roll Ups
- Can Dogs Eat Jelly Beans
- Can Dogs Eat Gummy Bears
- Can Dogs Eat Licorice
- Can Dogs Eat Peppermint
- Can Dogs Eat Sprinkles
Find lots of articles about food dogs can eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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