Peppermint is a popular ingredient in candy and holiday desserts. Can dogs eat peppermint? While it is generally safe, there are some dangers that go with certain peppermint foods and quantity is a factor also.
In this article, you will find important information to know before sharing peppermint with your furry friends. It’s critical for your dog’s health and safety.
Lots of human foods are problematic for dogs. They can eat soy but should stay away from soy sauce. So what about peppermint? Is that safe for dogs?
For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating peppermint.
Can Dogs Eat Peppermint?
Peppermint is really popular during the holidays, a time when candy canes hang tantalizingly on the Christmas tree. We bake peppermint cookies, drink peppermint lattes, and diffuse peppermint essential oil around our home.
How does peppermint affect dogs? While it isn’t necessarily toxic to dogs, peppermint can still give them stomach problems, so it’s best to keep peppermint away from your pets unless it’s in a controlled amount in the treats made specifically for dogs.
It’s always a good idea to keep human treats away from your pet and only share dog foods with them. Pet owners, keep reading and learn how to be safe when using mint oils around your canine friends.
Is Peppermint Safe for Dogs?
Yes, peppermint itself is safe for dogs. However, not all dogs react well to it. Some dogs could get an upset stomach, diarrhea, or vomit after eating it.
Dogs have very sensitive stomachs. Even a moderate change in their dog food could cause digestion problems. So if you want to share some peppermint treats with your dog, do so very slowly and watch for any discomfort like vomiting or bloating.
But what’s really unsafe is the artificial sweetener Xylitol, which is commonly found in peppermint candies and desserts for humans. This sweetener is toxic for dogs and could lead to either hypoglycemia or liver failure. And if those conditions are left untreated, Xylitol could lead to death.
Pay very close attention to the ingredients in your food before sharing it with your dog.
Does Peppermint Have Health Benefits for Dogs?
There is a lot of news out there about how peppermint can help with upset stomachs in humans but the same is not true for dogs.
There is a lot of conflicting information out there about whether peppermint benefits dogs the way it does for humans.
According to one source, peppermint contains vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin A and iron.
But another source claims there aren’t any scientific studies proving a link between peppermint and health benefits in dogs.
This is why it is so important to talk to your veterinarian before giving your dog peppermint.
But one thing all the sources can agree on – using products with peppermint as one of the ingredients can help with skin irritation and repel fleas.
Is Fresh Peppermint Safe For Dogs?
Do you enjoy using fresh peppermint in your tea or baking? Fresh mint is a popular ingredient in desserts, smoothies, and even used to make water taste better.
If your curious dog gets into your mint plant, there is nothing to worry about. At least not concerning your dog. You might need a new plant.
There are different types of mint. These are the kinds that are non-toxic to dogs:
- Wild Mint
- Spearmint
- Peppermint
The plant called English pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) is toxic to dogs. It’s also called European pennyroyal. Sometimes it is used as an ingredient in herbal flea repellant. But it’s also toxic to humans, so chances are you aren’t using it for food.
Can Dogs Eat Peppermint Candy?
Dogs should never eat candy canes or any kind of peppermint candy made for humans. These candies usually have Xylitol in them and can cause acute hepatic necrosis (toxic injury to the liver). In other words, it’s dangerous and might cause liver damage.
Protect your dog and keep them away from peppermint candy canes.
My Dog Ate A Peppermint Candy Cane, What Do I Do?
Now that you know how unsafe Xylitol is, as dog owners, what should we do if our dog eats them?
The very first thing you should do is verify the ingredients in the candy cane. If they only contain granulated sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup, just watch out for an upset stomach. Your dog should be ok.
But if they ate sugar-free candy canes with Xylitol as an ingredient, call your veterinarian immediately. Follow their instructions and monitor your pet for any signs of distress such as lethargy.
Is Peppermint Oil Safe For Dogs?
Peppermint oil is safe for dogs, but it is all about the amount they ingest. That means a tiny amount won’t hurt them, but eating too much of it could cause digestion issues such as:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Bloating
- Gas
Peppermint essential oil can have benefits for your dog’s skin such as mosquito and flea repellant and calming skin irritations. Be careful with it and only use a small amount diluted with coconut oil just in case your dog is allergic to it.
Also, it’s important to remember that dogs have very sensitive noses. Large amounts of it might irritate them.
Do not diffuse peppermint oil in your home. It is one of the diffuser essential oils toxic to dogs. The same is true for tea tree oil or fresh peppermint leaves.
My Dog Ate Peppermint Oil – What Do I Do?
If you notice your dog drank water from your essential oil diffuser and ingested the peppermint oil, watch your dog closely. The most common side effect will be throat or mouth irritation since this oil is very strong.
Watch out for gastrointestinal (GI) upset such as vomiting and diarrhea. Call your veterinarian if you notice your dog acting lethargic or abnormal.
Peppermint Dog Treats
It’s safe to give your dog a small treat with peppermint extract as one of the ingredients. Either buy some that are made specifically for dogs or make them yourself.
These homemade dog treats for bad breath are made with whole ingredients that are safe for your puppy.
Remember, always talk to your veterinarian about any concerns you have about your dog’s health.
More Dog Food Resources
Have more questions about what your dog can eat? Here are some more resources to help you out.
- Can Dogs Eat Ants and Other Bugs
- Can Dogs Eat Cilantro
- Can Dogs Eat Fish
- Can Dogs Eat Spearmint
- Can Dogs Have Almonds
- Vegetables Dogs Can Eat
Find lots of articles on herbs dogs can and can’t eat right here on Spoiled Hounds.
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