They seem like a safe aquatic vegetable, but can dogs eat water chestnuts? Read this guide to find out what you need to know.
The name is pretty deceiving – water chestnuts aren’t nuts at all. They are vegetable tubers that grow in marshes and ponds. You might see them in Asian stir-fries and other recipes. Before you let your dog eat them, read this guide. This is everything you need to know about how safe they are.

For ultimate pet safety, please ask your vet any questions you have regarding your dog eating water chestnuts.
Can Dogs Eat Water Chestnuts
Fresh water chestnuts are actually really good for your fur babies. They are really high in potassium, which is a mineral that is good for your dog’s heart.
You should still be careful with how much you give your pet, and what kind of water chestnuts.
They are a healthy addition to your dog’s diet, full of nutrients like vitamin B6, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, and potassium for healthy heart function.
Be careful with what kind you give them (avoid horse chestnuts, sweet chestnuts, or canned) and only give them small amounts at a time.
Keep reading this guide and I’ll give you all the information I could find, helping you to answer the question, “can my dog eat water chestnuts?”

Are Water Chestnuts Safe For Dogs
Yes, water chestnuts are a safe treat to share with your dog on rare occasions. Your dog will enjoy them more if you steam or cook them (without salt or seasonings) first since they are a very crunchy type of food.
Always follow your dog’s health history and talk to your veterinarian before giving them new food. If your dog has a history of choking, slice the water chestnuts into small pieces first.
If your dog has other food intolerances, only give them a small amount to see how your dog reacts to this aquatic vegetable.
Freshwater chestnuts are generally a great addition to your dog’s diet as a rare treat.
Can Dogs Eat Canned Water Chestnuts

No, dogs should not eat canned water chestnuts. Even though a few bites might not hurt them, there is too much sodium in them to make them a good idea.
Dogs are very sensitive to salt. If your pet eats too much salt – either from one source or from lots of different types of food throughout the day – they could be at risk for sodium poisoning.
In fact, too much salt can even be fatal, leading to what is called sodium ion poisoning.
The signs of salt poisoning in dogs are:
- Coma
- Extreme Thirst
- Seizures
- Musclep Spasms
- High Fever
- Trouble Breathing
- Increased Heart Rate
- Convulsions
If you notice these or any other symptoms after your dog ate canned water chestnuts, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

Can Dogs Have Raw Water Chestnuts
Yes, dogs can eat raw water chestnuts. Sliced raw water chestnuts are healthy treats to share with your pet once in a while.
They are still very high in carbs and fiber. If your pet is struggling to maintain its weight or can’t handle high-fiber vegetables, it might be a good idea to keep them away from the water chestnuts.

Can Dogs Have Water Chestnut Skin
No, the outer skin of raw water chestnuts is not edible. It is too tough and might get lodged in your dog’s digestive tract.
Always peel them before you share them with your pet.
Can Dogs Have Water Chestnut Seeds
Water chestnuts do not have visible seeds that you have to remove before you cook them (unlike things like peaches). It is not a good idea to let your dog eat water chestnut seeds.
Water chestnut seeds aren’t even common for human consumption, so I would not recommend letting your dog eat them either.
Final Thoughts
There are a lot of health benefits of water chestnuts for dogs. Since it is such a good source of potassium, it can help protect your dog from heart disease. Plus, it has good fat and nutrients that help with healthy eye development.
Always feed your dog peeled and sliced water chestnuts that are either raw or cooked without salt or other spices. Canned water chestnuts have too much sodium and are unsafe to share with your pet.
Please speak with your veterinarian if you have questions about your dog’s health and whether water chestnuts are a safe treat to share with them.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some more resources about food dogs can eat and ones that are bad for them.
- Can Dogs Eat Amaranth
- Can Dogs Eat Capers
- Can Dogs Eat Chickpeas
- Can Dogs Eat Granola
- Can Dogs Eat Green Peppers
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- Can Dogs Eat Lychee
Find lots more articles on food dogs can eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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