They are soft and chewy, but can dogs eat tortillas? Learn everything you want to know about corn, flour, and other tortillas for your pet.
Before you start sharing part of your Taco Tuesday with your pet, read this complete guide. You will discover information about all the different kinds of tortillas – from multigrain and whole wheat to flour or corn tortillas, tortilla chips, and more!

For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating tortillas.
Can Dogs Eat Tortillas

If you have ever wondered, can dogs have tortillas – then this guide is for you! The answer is that dogs can eat tortillas in moderation. There is nothing unsafe or toxic about tortillas unless your pet has a wheat or gluten allergy.
That’s the short answer. There is a lot more to it than that. There are spices to consider, how much they eat, and what their diet is like normally. That’s what this guide will look at closely.
The safest way to share tortillas with your pet is in moderation. That means sharing a small amount of the tortilla on rare occasions (not every day).
Can Puppies Eat Tortillas
Puppies have more sensitive stomachs than older dogs. It’s best to keep all processed human foods away from puppies while their bodies are growing. Most tortillas are safe for puppies to nibble on, but only in small amounts.
Are Tortillas Bad For Dogs?
Tortillas are only bad for dogs who have preexisting health conditions. Older dogs or dogs that have blood sugar issues (like diabetes) should not eat human foods that are high in carbs – like tortillas.
Tortillas are bad for obese dogs too. Obesity in dogs is related to an increased risk of heart disease and other health issues (just like for us).
Dogs that have wheat allergies or gluten-intolerance should also avoid tortillas with wheat in it.
Are Tortillas Good For Dogs?
No, tortillas are not good for dogs. There really isn’t very much nutritionally beneficial for dogs in tortillas. Dogs do not need to eat very many carbs, so foods like corn and flour should be shared with them minimally.
My Dog Ate A Tortilla – What Do I Do?
Depending on how many tortillas your dog ate, they will either be just fine with no symptoms or they will probably stink up the house with gas and need to go outside a lot.
Basically, watch your dog. Try to figure out how many tortillas they ate and then keep an eye on them. If they act lethargic or can’t keep anything down, then call your vet.
Different Types Of Tortillas And Dogs
There are so many different types of tortillas out there! Browse this list of different tortillas and read about how safe they are for your pup.
Can Dogs Eat Corn Tortillas
Corn is safe for most dogs, but they should eat foods made out of corn in moderation. Can dogs have corn tortillas? Yes, they can. Are corn tortillas bad for dogs? This depends on how you heat them up and what you put in them.
Dogs should not eat anything that is deep-fried or made with garlic or onions. Plain or raw corn tortillas are generally safe for dogs, but they shouldn’t eat any fried tortillas.
Can Dogs Eat Flour Tortillas
These are usually used for burritos or soft tacos. So are flour tortillas bad for dogs? By themselves, they are safe for dogs to eat in small amounts.
Yes, your dog can eat flour tortillas. In fact, if they do, you probably won’t even notice them acting any differently. Just keep an eye on your pet if you think they ate something on the tortillas (like pico de gallo).
Can Dogs Eat Baked Tortillas
Baked tortillas are usually safe for dogs in moderation. Since they aren’t deep fried, and only have a few ingredients, dogs can enjoy a small amount of them as a rare treat.
Can Dogs Eat Fried Tortillas

Fried tortillas are the worst kind to share with your dog. Food fried in oil are bad for a dog’s heart and overall health. If they eat a few fried tortillas once in a while, it probably won’t hurt them. Just don’t give them lots of fried foods all the time.
Can Dogs Eat Fresh Tortillas
Fried tortillas are out, but can dogs eat homemade tortillas? As long as they aren’t fried in grease and don’t have garlic or onion on or in them, then they are safe to share with your pet in moderation.
Can Dogs Eat Flavored Tortillas
Anything flavored should be kept away from your pet. There are so many harmful ingredients used in flavored human foods that are unsafe for dogs.
Some of the main ingredients in flavored tortillas that are unsafe for dogs are onions and garlic. You also want to keep them away from anything that is spicy or made with lots of sugar.
Can Dogs Eat Spinach Tortillas
Yes, dogs can eat spinach tortillas in moderation. In fact, there are lots of nutrients in the spinach tortillas that are good for your dog. Even so, you should still control how much you give them. Even healthy spinach tortillas can cause weight gain in dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Whole Grain Tortillas
As long as your pet doesn’t have a wheat or gluten allergy, whole grain tortillas are safe for them to eat in moderation. Just be careful with how many they eat at once. Too much fiber can cause them to have diarrhea or vomit.

Can Dogs Eat Multigrain Tortillas
The same is true for multigrain tortillas. They are usually really high in fiber. If your dog eats high-fiber foods, give them easy access to the yard because they will have to go.
Can Dogs Eat Tortilla Wraps
Yes, dogs can eat tortilla wraps. The wraps are not usually the problem, it is what is inside that can cause the issues. Don’t let your dog eat wraps that contain onions, garlic, or any spicy peppers.
Can Dogs Eat Tortilla Shells
Yes, dogs can safely eat a small amount of tortillas shells on rare occasions. Dogs might enjoy the crunch of the shells, but it’s better (and easier) for dogs to eat soft tortilla shells instead of hard ones.
Can Dogs Eat Taco Shells
Yes, dogs can eat hard taco shells as long as they are plain. Dogs should not eat too much salt or anything that is deep fried.
Can Dogs Eat Tortilla Chips

Tortilla chips are a bit more problematic since they usually have more salt on them. Dogs are really sensitive to salt and eating too much of it can cause sodium poisoning.
Thankfully, they would have to eat a lot of tortilla chips for this to be a problem. Still, you should be careful with how many they eat at one time and call your vet if you notice them acting lethargic or strange.
Here are some more types of tortilla chips and how safe they are for pets.
Can Dogs Eat Blue Corn Chips
There are only three ingredients in them – blue corn, sunflower oil, and salt. They are pretty safe for your dog to eat, but are still too high in salt for them to overindulge in them. A few bites might not hurt them.
Can Dogs Eat Corn Tortilla Chips
Yes, dogs can eat a few corn tortilla chips. However, there is still too much salt in them for dogs to be able to eat a lot of them safely.
Are Tortilla Chips Bad For Dogs
There are lots of reasons that dogs shouldn’t eat tortilla chips. The amount of calories and salt are the main ones. Dogs need to eat a diet that is low in salt and tortilla chips are usually very salty.
Are Tortilla Chips Good For Dogs
No, tortilla chips are not good for dogs. There is nothing nutritious about tortilla chips for dogs.
Can Puppies Eat Tortilla Chips
No, puppies should not eat tortilla chips. Puppies are very sensitive to salt and these have too much salt for them.
Can Dogs Eat Doritos
Dogs should not eat any flavor or variety of Doritos. Even though a few chips might not cause any bad effects right away, they are just unhealthy for your pet to eat.
Cool Ranch Doritos have too much salt (and garlic and onion powder), Nacho Doritos have dairy, and Sweet Chili Doritos are too spicy.
It’s just safer to keep all Doritos away from your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Tostitos
The plain Tostitos are pretty safe for your dog to enjoy on a rare occasion. The lightly salted ones are the safest bet if you want to share them with your dog. As always, the safest way of all is to just keep them away from your pup.
Final Thoughts
Tortillas are pretty safe for dogs to eat a small amount of once in a while. It’s not a good idea to give them lots of tortillas since they are calorie-dense and not nutritious. It’s basically empty calories that could cause your pup to gain unhealthy amounts of weight.
A few bites of plain tortillas are generally safe, but there are much healthier treat options you can give your dog.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some articles about other human snacks and whether they are safe or toxic for your dog to eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Cheez Its
- Can Dogs Eat Animal Crackers
- Can Dogs Eat Graham Crackers
- Can Dogs Eat Gummy Bears
- Can Dogs Have Pretzels
- Can Dogs Eat Twizzlers
Find even more articles on human food dogs can and can’t eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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