From the iced kind to the plain ones, how safe are they for your pet? If you are wondering “can dogs eat animal crackers?” This is for you!
They come in all sorts of fun animal shapes, but are they safe for your pet to eat? In this guide, you will find different types of animal crackers and how safe they are for dogs to eat.

For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating animal crackers.
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Can Dogs Eat Animal Crackers

Animal crackers are non-toxic for dogs as long as they do not have xylitol or chocolate in them. In fact, your dog probably won’t have any kind of adverse reaction after eating them.
They are still dangerous for dogs to eat regularly. Animal crackers are made with mostly sugar and oils – both of which can make your dog gain too much weight.
Eating diets high in sugar can lead to obesity. Obesity in dogs increases their risk for diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, and even cancer and arthritis.
The best way to make sure that your dog lives the healthiest life possible is to keep the sugary human snacks away from them.
Are Animal Crackers Bad For Dogs
Yes, animal crackers are bad for dogs because they are a very unhealthy snack.
According to the National Academies, the amount of calories a dog needs depends on its size and activity levels. They really only need 4 main food groups: carbohydrates, fats, fiber, and protein.
If a dog eats too many calories and combines that with low activity levels, they will gain weight and be more at risk for all of those health effects.
The occasional treats that you give dogs should still be lower in calories and not contain too much sugar. Unfortunately, animal crackers just contain too much sugar.
Can Dogs Eat Plain Animal Crackers

If you are going to allow your dog to eat an animal cracker or two once in a while, the safest option is to let them eat the plain animal crackers. It has the least amount of calories and sugar.
Never let your dog eat xylitol. It is toxic for dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Chocolate Animal Crackers
Even though there probably isn’t enough chocolate in a chocolate animal cracker to harm your dog if they eat just one, it’s still a good idea to keep them away from your pet.
Chocolate animal crackers can still give your dog an upset stomach. They also have too many calories for your dog to eat on a healthy diet.
Can Dogs Eat Frosted Animal Crackers

The ingredients in frosted animal crackers are non-toxic for dogs, but they are still not a healthy choice for them to eat.
Iced animal crackers are extremely high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats. You should not let your dog eat them.
Can Dogs Have Organic Animal Crackers
As long as the organic animal crackers are lower in calories and sugar, they are safe for your dog to eat in small quantities on rare occasions.
Even organic animal crackers are high in calories, sugar, and oils. You should not let your dog eat a lot of them as a part of their regular calorie intake.
Can Dogs Eat Barnum’s Animal Crackers

Yes, dogs can safely eat a little bit of Barnum’s animal crackers. They are made with high fructose corn syrup, so you should prevent your dog from eating too much of them regularly.
Animal Crackers Dog Treats
If you ever find yourself wondering, “can dogs have animal crackers?” The best answer is, “yes, they can, if you buy treats made for dogs or make your own.
My favorite animal crackers dog treats are:
Final Thoughts
Plain animal crackers are a safe treat to allow your dog to eat once occasionally. You should control how much they eat and how often they eat them.
Dogs should not eat too many calories or too much sugar. If they do, it can lead to obesity and all the bad health effects that can follow from eating it.
The safest bet is to buy treats made specifically for dogs or make your own at home.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some articles about other human snacks and whether they are safe or toxic for your dog to eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Caramel
- Can Dogs Eat Crackers
- Can Dogs Eat Graham Crackers
- Can Dogs Eat Jello
- Can Dogs Eat Jelly Beans
- Can Dogs Eat Gummies
- Can Dogs Eat Licorice
- Can Dogs Eat Nutter Butters
- Can Dogs Eat Pretzels
- Can Dogs Eat Vanilla Wafers
Find even more articles on human food dogs can and can’t eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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