You see it on cookies and donuts, but can dogs eat sprinkles? Read this guide before sharing this colorful topping with your furry friend.
Whether you’re baking a birthday cake for your dog or you want to include them in celebrating special occasions, you might wonder if sprinkles are safe for dogs to eat. Will they cause dental problems? Are there harmful ingredients in them? Keep reading this guide as we look closely at how safe sprinkles are for dogs.

For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating sprinkles.
What Are Sprinkles
They add a festive touch to all sorts of sweet treats, but have you ever stopped to wonder what sprinkles are made of?
Also called jimmies, nonpareils, sugar pearls, sanding sugar, and quins or confetti, these colorful things are sweet and come in a variety of shapes and colors. Funfetti and rainbow sprinkles are the most popular ones.
There are lots of different types of sugar sprinkles. There are chocolate sprinkles and even edible glitter!
Sprinkles are made of pretty basic ingredients: corn syrup, corn starch, wax, and artificial flavors and colors.
Each batch is sprayed with food coloring to give them their bold shades, and some sugar glaze to make them taste sweeter.
People add them on top of ice cream and sugar cookies the most, but you will also find them on other food items and sweet treats such as cupcakes and donuts.

Can Dogs Eat Sprinkles
Yes, dogs can eat a few sprinkles without anything bad happening to them. But since they are made with food coloring and corn syrup, it is better to just keep them away from your dog.
Definitely don’t give your dog any sugar-free sprinkles. They might be made with xylitol, which is toxic to pups. And avoid chocolate sprinkles too.
If your dog eats a sprinkled donut from Dunkin, the high sugar content of the donut is more dangerous than the sprinkles.
Yes, your dog can eat small amounts of sprinkles without experiencing adverse effects. But I recommend keeping your dog away from sprinkles entirely. They aren’t good for dogs at all.
Are Sprinkles Bad For Dogs
Since it is made with artificial flavors, it is not good for dogs. You should only give your dog food made with natural ingredients.
Dog owners, do not add sprinkles to dog treats. Your dog could get an upset stomach from the artificial flavors. If they eat too much sugar, it could lead to tooth decay.
Eating too many sweets also puts your dog at risk for heart disease. The sprinkles aren’t the biggest problem, it’s the added sugar that could lead to serious health problems.

How Many Sprinkles Can Dogs Eat
Try to limit the amount of sprinkles your dog eats to about a few teaspoons a week. There isn’t a hard and fast number you can use, since every dog is different.
But one thing is for sure. You don’t want to give your dog large amounts of sprinkles every day. It’s a good rule to follow to only give your dog small quantities of human food.
Dogs that eat large quantities of food made with corn syrup and artificial ingredients are at a higher risk of tooth decay, heart disease, and overall poor health.
Dog-Friendly Sprinkles
A great way to protect your dog’s health is to only give your canine companion small quantities of dog-friendly sprinkles.
When you use dog-safe sprinkles, you can know that it doesn’t have too much sugar and they won’t be made with artificial flavorings.
A really good substitute for regular sprinkles is carob chips. They are a good source of fiber. You can also add sesame seeds, dried sweet potatoes, or unsweetened coconut flakes to your dog’s birthday cake.
In fact, the best pupcake is made with yogurt frosting and some unsweetened coconut flakes. Coconut flakes add dimension to sweet treats and are safe sprinkles for dogs to eat.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, it’s not a good idea to give your dog sprinkles, or food made with sprinkles. Keep the colorful container where your dog can’t reach it. Instead of giving them sweets made with artificial colorings or nasty chemicals, use shredded coconut flakes.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some more articles about sweets dogs can and can’t eat:
- Can Dogs Eat Animal Crackers
- Can Dogs Eat Cheesecake
- Can Dogs Eat Cookie Butter
- Can Dogs Eat Donuts
- Can Dogs Eat Fig Newtons
- Can Dogs Eat Oatmeal Cookies
- Can Dogs Eat Vanilla Wafers
Find lots of articles on food dogs can and can’t eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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