Are they safe? Can dogs eat mulberry? This is everything you need to know about the berries, fruit, leaves, and more!
People have used mulberries and leaves in holistic medicine for years – but are they safe for dogs? Read this guide before you give your dog mulberries.

For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating mulberries.
Can Dogs Eat Mulberry

These fruit-bearing trees grow wild and dogs will often find them, eager to snack on the ripe and juicy berries that fall down.
This guide will look at every single part of this tree and how safe it is and what precautions you should take.
Can Dogs Eat Mulberries
Yes, dogs can safely eat ripe mulberries. Just make sure they stay away from any that have been on the ground for too long. Fresh, ripe mulberries are safe for your pup to eat in small amounts.
Some pet owners say they noticed their dogs had diarrhea after eating too many mulberries. If you don’t know how your dog will react to them, only give them a small amount of berries at one time.
Mulberry berries are actually a healthy treat for them! They are easy on blood sugar levels and contain both iron and vitamin C which is good for their immune system. Black mulberries have lots of vitamin K, which is a good thing for your dog’s heart and blood circulation.
Another thing to watch out for if you give your pet mulberry fruit is the stains. If you have ever tried to pick them, you know what I’m talking about. They will stain your pet’s coat if they wander into a mulberry mush.

Can Dogs Eat White Mulberries?
There is a tree native to China called the Morus Alba, or white mulberry tree. It’s the main food of silkworms and the berries are white or slightly green.
These white or green berries are safe for your dog to eat. Just be careful and give them a small amount at a time.
Can Dogs Eat Red Mulberries?
Yes, red mulberry is safe for dogs to eat. They come with the same health risks as the black berries. They are also high in insoluble fibers which could cause digestive problems if your dog eats too many of them. They are also good for your pet too. They are high in antioxidants, that fight free radicals. These berries also increase the production of red blood cells.
Are Mulberries Bad For Dogs
No, mulberries are not bad for dogs. The only danger is an upset stomach if they eat too much. Berries are really high in fiber, so if they eat too many of them, they will probably have loose stools (and lots of it!). If you notice your furry friend has digestive issues after eating fresh mulberries, just watch them and give them plenty of water.
If you are wondering, “are mulberries poisonous to dogs? ” The answer is that nothing about this plant is poisonous for dogs. According to the ASPCA, mulberry trees are non-toxic to dogs.
Any time that you offer your canine friends new food, watch for signs of an allergic reaction or stomach upset. The best way to prevent adverse effects is to only give them a small amount at a time.
Are Mulberries Safe For Dogs?
Yes, ripe berries from the mulberry tree are safe for dogs to eat. Do not give them too much. If you notice your dog having uncontrollable diarrhea, call your veterinarian.
Unripe mulberries are also safe for dogs, but they don’t taste very good so chances are they won’t eat them.
Can Dogs Eat Dried Mulberries?
Even though it is safe for dogs to eat dried mulberries, it’s not a good decision nutritionally. Dried mulberries are higher in calories and sugar and will cause your pet to eat more sugar than they need to.
Dogs that eat too much sugar and/or calories are at a higher risk for obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Can Dogs Eat Mulberry Leaves?
Yes, it is safe for dogs to eat mulberry leaves. If you notice your dog munching on them, it is probably ok to let them enjoy the small snack.
It’s still a good idea to try and keep them from eating too many of the leaves. Even though it won’t hurt them, it could give them indigestion issues.
Are Mulberry Leaves Toxic To Dogs?
No, the leaves are not toxic to dogs. This is a non-toxic plant. However, if a dog eats too many leaves, they could get diarrhea.
Are Mulberries The Same As Juniper Berries
Do not confuse them with juniper berries. Juniper berries contain an oil called Thujone that can cause digestion issues in dogs. They are toxic berries and dogs should not eat them.
Mulberries grow on deciduous trees and are safe for dogs to eat. In fact, there are health benefits of mulberries, including being good for their brain cells and iron content.
Final Thoughts
Just like with other types of fruit, mulberries are healthy and safe to give your dog occasionally. If you notice that your dog is having an adverse reaction after eating mulberries, please let your veterinarian know as soon as possible.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some articles about other fruits and whether they are safe or toxic for your dog to eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Blackberries
- Can Dogs Eat Elderberries
- Can Dogs Eat Honeydew
- Can Dogs Eat Mango
- Can Dogs Eat Papaya
- Can Dogs Eat Pawpaw
- Can Dogs Eat Plantains
- Can Dogs Eat Prunes
Find even more articles on human food dogs can and can’t eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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Many thanks for your detailed, definitive, and delightful coverage about dogs eating mulberries. My 18 mth old Collie occasionally
eats a few fresh-fallen berries and now I can give her a few as I
pick them. Thankfully she’s not interested in the mushed and smashed berries on the ground.