When you wonder, “can dogs eat prunes” read this complete guide. This is everything you need to know about dogs and prunes to keep them safe.
Prunes are packed with fiber and are a very sweet treat – but are they safe for dogs? Keep reading to find out.

For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating prunes.
Can Dogs Eat Prunes

The answer isn’t an easy yes or no. In fact, it is probably best to keep the prunes away from your dog, even though they aren’t necessarily toxic. It’s certainly a confusing topic.
Prunes are really sweet dried fruit that your dog will probably eat up like candy if you let them! So it’s no wonder that you might ask, “can dogs have prunes?”
Yes, dogs can have prunes, but you should not give them to your dog on purpose. Don’t feed prunes to your pet because they have too much sugar and fiber and might upset your dog’s stomach.
Keep reading. In this guide, you will learn about all the different types of prunes and how safe or dangerous they are for your pup.
Can Dogs Eat Prunes Safely
This is a tough question because each dog could have a different reaction to the prunes.
Before we look at the different types of prunes and how they could affect your dog, it’s important to understand what prunes are.
Prunes are dried plums. Almost all prunes are made with the pits removed. If you search for it, you might be able to find some prunes sold with the pits still intact. Since prunes are dried fruit, they are really high in sugar and fiber.
A dog’s digestive system does not handle too much sugar or fiber. Even though one prune might not affect or hurt your dog, eating too many could lead to some of the following side effects:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Cramping
- Bloating
- Loss of appetite
If you notice your dog reacting with any of those symptoms, contact your veterinarian and ask them how you can make your pet more comfortable and warning signs to watch out for.
Can Dogs Eat Dried Prunes
Even though prunes are not toxic for dogs, dried prunes have too much sugar to be a healthy treat for dogs. Even though they can eat dried prunes, you should not give them to dogs.
Too much sugar can lead to weight gain, which puts your dog at a higher risk for heart disease and diabetes.

Can Dogs Eat Pitted Prunes
Plum pits have small amounts of cyanide. They are also dangerous for dogs because they could cause a choking hazard. Pitted prunes are safer for dogs than the kind with the pits. You should still not give your dog prunes.
Can Dogs Eat Whole Prunes
No, dogs should not eat whole prunes. If the prunes have pits, you should keep them away from your pet. The whole prunes also have more sugar and fiber in them than smaller pieces of prunes, so keep that in mind if you share them with your pet.
Can Dogs Eat Fresh Prunes
Now that we know that prunes are dried fruit, have you ever wondered, “can dogs eat raw prunes?”
Raw prunes are another way of saying plums. Fresh plums have way too much sugar and fiber to be safe for dogs to eat without them getting a stomach ache. They also have pits. For these reasons, you should not let your dog eat raw plums.
Can Dogs Have Cooked Prunes
Let’s look at all the different types of prunes that you can find in the stores. These are the different types of cooked or processed prunes and how safe they are for your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Boiled Prunes
Yes, dogs can have boiled prunes, but they shouldn’t eat them. Boiled prunes are safe, but they still have too much fiber and sugar for dogs to eat.
Can Dogs Eat Baby Food Prunes
Baby food prunes don’t have too much fiber for you pet, but the sugar content is still too high. Dogs should not eat too much sugar.
Can Dogs Eat Canned Prunes
Sometimes prunes are canned in a juice or sauce, and this increases how much sugar is in the prunes. For this reason, you should not let your dog eat canned prunes.
Can Dogs Eat Sweet Prunes
Since dogs should not eat too much sugar, they should not eat sweet prunes either. Sweet prunes are much too high in sugar to be good for your dog.
Different Types of Prunes and Dogs
Have you heard of different colors of prunes? There are a few different types, so let’s look at each one and how safe or dangerous they are for pets.
Can Dogs Eat Black Prunes
Black prunes are the most widely-available types of prunes in the stores. They have too much sugar and fiber so do not let your dog eat them.
Can Dogs Eat Green Prunes
No, dogs should not eat green prunes. Green prunes are basically unripe plums and they are not safe for dogs to eat.
Can Dogs Eat Red Prunes
No, dogs should not eat red prunes, either. They have pits that are unsafe for dogs and they are too high in sugar and fiber.
Can Dogs Eat Yellow Prunes
Dogs should not eat yellow prunes either. They are basically raw plums and they are not safe for dogs to eat.
Can Dogs Have Prune Juice

Prune juice doesn’t have the fiber that might upset your dog’s stomach, so, is prune juice safe for dogs?
Even though it doesn’t have unsafe amounts of fiber, it still has way too much sugar for dogs to consume. You should not let your dog drink fruit juices of any kind.
Can Dogs Eat Prunes For Constipation
Due to their high fiber content, lots of humans eat prunes to naturally treat constipation. If your dog is constipated, there are other natural ways to treat it without giving them prunes.
Instead of prunes, give your dog some pumpkin puree. It has a lot less sugar and will help with your dog’s constipation.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, it’s a much better idea to keep prunes away from your dog. Even though one prune once in a while might not hurt them, it could still give them an upset stomach.
If your dog eats prunes, keep an eye on them and call your vet if you notice them acting sick or with too much diarrhea.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some articles about other human foods and whether they are safe or toxic for your dog to eat.
- Can Dogs Have Beets
- Can Dogs Have Ginger
- Can Dogs Eat Gooseberries
- Can Dogs Have Jello
- Can Dogs Have Quinoa
- Can Dogs Have Rosemary
Find even more articles on human food dogs can and can’t eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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