Is it dangerous or can dogs eat kiwi? Read this guide to find out how safe kiwi fruit is for dogs, and whether it is toxic or bad for them.
There are so many different types out there – and then there is the worry about the seeds and the juice – and this guide will answer all of your questions. As a dog owner, you want to make sure you only give them a safe snack, so keep reading to learn everything you ever wondered about dogs and kiwi.
For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating kiwi.
Can Dogs Eat Kiwi
As you munch on some you might wonder, “can dogs eat kiwi fruit?” The good news is that this fruit is safe for dogs to eat – but there are some important things you should know before giving them a bunch of it at once.
If you want to give your dog kiwi, only give them small amounts at a time. Keep reading and I’ll share more information about this bright green fruit.
Kiwi for Dogs
There are lots of health benefits of kiwis – but they could also be dangerous if you feed them to your pet in the wrong way. This guide will look at everything about kiwis – the seeds, skin, whole kiwis, and health benefits – and show you how to safely share it with your pet.
Are Kiwis Poisonous To Dogs
Is kiwi toxic to dogs? No, the kiwi fruit is not toxic or poisonous for dogs. The seeds contain a really tiny amount of amygdalin, which releases cyanide into the body. A few kiwi seeds might not harm your dog, but if they eat a ton of them at once it might make your dog sick.
The skin also contains insoluble fiber – which could get stuck in your dog’s gut. There is a safe way to share kiwi with your dog.
Is Kiwi Safe For Dogs
Kiwi fruit is safe for your dog as an occasional treat as long as you remove the skin and the seeds and chop it into small pieces. You don’t want the skin to get stuck in your dog’s digestive tract. Even if your dog does digest it, all that fiber could give them stomach upset.
In fact, there are lots of health benefits of kiwi for dogs.
Is Kiwi Good For Dogs
There are quite a few nutritional benefits of this fruit, which makes it a healthy snack.
Kiwi fruit has more vitamin C than an orange and is an excellent source of potassium and carbohydrates too.
This tropical fruit also has lots of vitamin K and vitamin E.
Dogs do not need as much vitamin C or carbohydrates as we do. That is why it is best to only give them a small amount of fruit at one time. There are a few other concerns to keep in mind about why you should moderate how much kiwi you give your pet.
Is Kiwi Bad For Dogs
You shouldn’t give your dog too much kiwi at one time because it’s high in natural sugars. Dogs should not eat too much sugar – even natural sugar from fruit.
Extra sugar and carbs increase their calorie intake, which could lead to spikes in blood sugar and even weight gain.
Kiwi fruit isn’t bad for dogs, but giving them too much could lead to health issues later on.
Another concern about kiwi fruit and dogs is the fiber. If your dog eats too much fiber, it could cause an upset stomach, diarrhea or loose stool. Always give your dog new foods in small doses to see how they handle it.
Anytime you introduce a new food for the first time, watch for signs of an allergic reaction. Your furry friend might cough, sneeze, or start scratching.
Kiwi Fruit And Dogs – Different Types
Does the type of kiwi fruit change how safe they are for dogs? Let’s look closely at the most popular kinds.
Can Dogs Eat Gold Kiwi
Golden kiwi fruit got its name from the color of the fruit’s flesh – it’s a bright yellow. The most popular name brand is Zespri® SunGold™ and it has a sweet, tropical taste and smooth hairless skin.
Nutritionally, it is super-similar to the typical green kiwi fruit you’ll find at the grocery store. Yes, dogs can eat gold kiwi fruit – in moderation and after you remove the seeds and skin. The high sugar content of these kiwi berries makes it a safe fruit but only in smaller pieces.
Can Dogs Eat Green Kiwi
Green kiwi is the most popular kind – it’s the kind that you’ll find in your supermarket. Yes, dogs can eat a moderate amount of green kiwi as a healthy snack. Peel the skin and remove the seeds and then cut it up into small bits. Make sure you only give your pet ripe kiwi, since this healthy treat will taste better and be easier to eat when it is ripe.
Can Dogs Eat Red Kiwi
In 2019, Zespri sold red kiwifruit in New Zealand. It was a limited release and is really difficult to find in stock. If you do find some, you can rest assured that it is as safe as green kiwifruit.
Parts Of The Kiwi And Dogs
Now let’s look at the different parts of kiwi fruit and how safe or dangerous it is for your pet.
Can Dogs Have Whole Kiwi
No, you should never give your dog a whole kiwi. Even though it is a soft fruit, there is a chance that your dog might try to swallow it whole. If they do, then it could get stuck in their gut or pose a choking hazard.
It’s always best to cut up the kiwi fruit before you give it to your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Seeds
Are kiwi seeds toxic to dogs? In really large quantities, there is a chance that kiwi seeds might be dangerous for dogs to eat.
They contain amygdalin which releases cyanide into the body. Always remove the seeds before giving your dog any kiwi fruit.
Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Skin
No, dogs should not eat kiwi fruit skin. It is insoluble fiber – meaning your dog cannot digest it. It could give your pet stomach cramps and diarrhea as they try to pass it.
Always peel the kiwi before giving it to your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Dehydrated Kiwi
Yes, dogs can eat dehydrated kiwi, but it isn’t a good idea to give them a lot of it at once. It is really high in sugar content. Plus, most people do not remove the seeds before they make the kiwi chips.
A few kiwi chips might not hurt your dog, but it isn’t a good idea as a treat.
Can Dogs Have Organic Kiwi
Yes, dogs can have organic kiwi. Please always remember to peel the skin and remove the seeds before you give your dog any pieces of kiwi fruit.
Can Dogs Eat Sour Kiwi
Usually kiwi fruit tastes sour if it isn’t ripe enough. Just let it sit on your countertop for a day or so and it will ripen – and taste sweeter.
Dogs can safely eat sour kiwi fruit, but they probably won’t want to.
Can Dogs Have Kiwi Juice
No, dogs should not drink kiwi fruit juice. Fruit juice is much too high in sugar to be good for your pet. This is especially true for dogs with diabetes. Even though you might want to share some juice with your pet on a hot day you should avoid it.
Too much sugar can lead to weight gain and put them at a higher risk for obesity, heart disease, and other related health issues. Do not give your dog fruit juice unless you speak with your veterinarian first.
Final Thoughts
As a rule, kiwi fruit is safe for dogs to eat on occasion. It’s really sweet and they will enjoy how soft and juicy it is. Always remember to peel it, cut it up, and remove the seeds before you let your dog eat it.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are even more resources about different types of fruit dogs can and can’t eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Acai
- Can Dogs Eat Honeydew
- Can Dogs Eat Lychee
- Can Dogs Eat Mulberries
- Can Dogs Eat Papaya
- Can Dogs Eat Pawpaw
- Can Dogs Eat Star Fruit
Find lots of articles about human food dogs can eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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