They are known as a superfood, but can dogs eat goji berries? Read this guide before giving these tiny red berries to your dog.
They are often sold powdered or dried and are becoming even more popular as snacks for people, so keep reading this guide to learn whether you should give your dog goji berries.

For ultimate pet safety, please ask your vet any questions you have regarding your dog eating goji berries.
What Are Goji Berries?
Goji berries are small and red and native to China. They have been used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years, thanks to their high antioxidant properties; they are fantastic at fighting free radicals. They are also commonly called “wolfberries.”
These red berries grow on an evergreen shrub and really are packed with a ton of nutrition. In just one ounce of raw goji berries there are 250% of your daily requirements for vitamin C, along with tons of fiber and phytochemicals. There are a lot of health benefits of goji berries.
So, is this superfood good for dogs? Let’s find out.

Can Dogs Eat Goji Berries
If you are trying to find information about goji berries for dogs, then let me tell you – they are safe for your pup to eat in small amounts.
Whether you allow your dog to eat them is up to you. There are a few things you should watch out for if you give them to your pet.
These berries are really high in fiber, so don’t give them to your dog if they already ate something with lots of fiber. It could give them diarrhea or loose stool.
You should also play close attention to how much sugar your dog is eating, especially if they are diabetic. Even healthy types of food like fruit can raise your dog’s blood sugar and overall calorie input.
If you are concerned about your dog eating goji berries, talk to your veterinarian. For most healthy dogs, a small amount of goji berries once in awhile should be ok.
Are Goji Berries Good For Dogs
Yes, the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) writes that goji berries are good for dogs and their health. You should still be cautious with how much you let your dog eat, but in small amounts there are definitely health benefits.
Goji berries are really high in vitamins C, B, E, and vitamin A and essential amino acids. It also has lots of calcium and iron – and even some protein.
This means it might be good for their immune system, bones, and eyesight. Some people think they can help with ear infections, but please talk to your veterinarian before trying treatments at home.
Also called red raisins, they have lots of fatty acids and these healthy foods are known as a potent antioxidant that is as healthy as acai berries.
Are Goji Berries Bad For Dogs
So, are goji berries poisonous to dogs? Nope! They are not toxic to dogs.
How bad they are for your pet depends on their current health and what medications they might be taking.
The biggest danger of goji berries is that your dog might eat too many of them and have diarrhea from all the fiber. This is why it is so important to control how many they eat at one time. The side effects of eating too much fiber are basically either loose stools or vomiting.
They are also a good source of natural sugar. If your dog eats too much sugar, they might gain weight and be at a high risk of heart disease. This is also why a diabetic dog should not eat fruit, including these berries.
Dogs are not usually allergic to them. Watch for signs of allergic reactions including sneezing, coughing, or scratching.
If your dog is on anticoagulant drugs (also known as blood thinners) the berries could make the blood too thin, causing them to bleed more. Please talk to your veterinarian before letting your dog eat goji berries if you are afraid of possible adverse effects.

Can Dogs Eat Dried Goji Berries
Yes, dogs can eat dried goji berries in moderation. They are safe and nutritious if you treat them like other types of treats. Allow your dog to eat small quantities on rare occasions.
One negative thing about dry goji berries is that they could get stuck in your dog’s teeth. It’s best to give them fresh goji berries, if you can.
Can Dogs Eat Fresh Goji Berries
Yes, fresh goji berries are safe for dogs to eat, in moderate amounts. Just like other treats, fresh berries should account for no more than 10% of your dog’s daily diet. This human food has lots of nutritional value and essential nutrients, but your furry friend should still only eat a small bit at once. Too much could give them stomach upset.
These fresh berries have anti-inflammatory properties that is good news for dogs with health problems.

Can Dogs Have Goji Berry Juice
Even though goji berry juice isn’t poisonous for dogs, it’s not a good idea to let them drink it.
Juice drinks will increase your dog’s blood sugar and calorie count, without any fiber. It’s best not to let your dog drink juice at all, of any type. It could lead to weight gain, diabetes, and other health effects.
Can Dogs Eat Goji Berry Leaves
Goji berry leaves are bitter, so dogs probably won’t want to eat them. They are safe and people like to cook them in broths and stir fries.
Dogs can eat goji berry leaves, but just like with other leaves, it’s best not to let them eat too many of them.
Can Dogs Eat Goji Berry Seeds
Typically, goji berries are preserved and dried with the skin and seeds and everything. The seeds in the berries won’t harm your pet since they are so tiny.
Final Thoughts
Goji berries are one of the newest superfoods on the market. They are just as healthy for your dog as they are for you. Be careful with how many berries you let your pet eat at once.
It is safe to share a few berries as a healthy treat, but too many could upset their stomach.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some more articles about other types of fruit and whether they are safe for your dog to eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Acai
- Can Dogs Eat Blackberries
- Can Dogs Eat Dragon Fruit
- Can Dogs Eat Honeydew
- Can Dogs Eat Mulberry
- Can Dogs Eat Papaya
- Can Dogs Eat PawPaw
- Can Dogs Eat Prunes
Find lots of articles on what human food dogs can eat safely here on Spoiled Hounds!
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