Pitahaya, or dragon fruit, is an exotic fruit grown on a cactus in North, South, and Central America. Read on to see if dogs can eat dragon fruit.
One look at the Pitahaya plant and you’ll wonder why anyone would eat something from it. It’s a spikey cactus with bright red fruits that grow on the ends. This exotic fruit has a surprisingly sweet taste. Can dogs eat it? Read on to learn more.

For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating dragon fruit.
Can Dogs Eat Dragon Fruit?

The good news is that dogs can safely eat dragon fruit. It’s safe and non-toxic for your furry best friend. In fact, it’s really healthy for them too.
Dogs will enjoy the easy-to-eat flesh of this fruit as a treat or snack. While seeds are normally toxic to dogs, dragon fruit seeds are perfectly safe.
Of course, you should always introduce new foods to your dog slowly. Watch how their stomach reacts to it. If they get sick, don’t give them any more of it. Most dogs don’t react negatively to dragon fruit, but it’s always good to be safe.
There are different types of dragon fruit, depending on where they are from.
Pink Dragon Fruit

Yes, dogs can eat pink dragon fruit. Dragon fruit with bright pink skin and white flesh mainly comes from Vietnam. Countries in Central America like Nicaragua and Ecuador grow a pink-skinned species with deep to light pink flesh.
Purple Dragon Fruit

Purple dragon fruit is also safe for your dog to eat. It is rich in folate and is full of the antioxidant betalain. It’s also high in beta carotene which is good for your dog’s eyes.
Red Dragon Fruit

Dogs can safely eat red dragon fruit. They are available year-round in Costa Rica and other Central American countries. It is high in vitamin C, fiber, and potassium and other minerals.
Yellow Dragon Fruit

Yellow dragon fruit is also safe for your dog to eat. This variety is grown in South America. It has yellow skin and white flesh with black seeds.
Yellow dragon fruit has high concentrations of vitamin C than other varieties of this same fruit.
Can Dogs Eat Dragon Fruit Skin?
The spiky, leather dragon fruit skin is really difficult to chew and digest. When you serve dragon fruit to your dog, cut it in half and scoop out the mushy flesh.
Throw away the skin before you give it to them.
Is Dragon Fruit Good For Dogs?
Dragon fruit is full of minerals and vitamins that are excellent for dogs. Just look at all the health benefits of dragon fruit!
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps boost your dog’s immune system. It also helps reduce inflammation and improves cognitive function. While most dogs make their own vitamin C, giving them a little extra from fruits like this one can definitely help.
Low In Calories
It is also a low-calorie fruit. If you are trying to watch your dog’s weight, give them treats that are low in calories. There are only 60 calories in 3.5 ounces of dragon fruit. Not bad!
High In Fiber
Eating foods that are high in fiber will help your dog regulate their blood sugar and could even help lower cholesterol.
In 3.5 ounces of dragon fruit, there are 1.8 grams of fiber.
Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation. This is a good thing for both humans and dogs because when oxidation happens in our cells, free radicals are produced. Free radicals are awful things that damage our cells and have even been linked to cancer.
Dragon fruit is high in antioxidants. It helps protect cells from aging and other damage.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, dragon fruit is an exotic plant that most people don’t even think to try. It’s slightly-sweet, often compared to kiwis. Some dogs might not like the texture.
While it’s a safe food to offer your dog, be careful with how much you give them. Too much of a good thing is still too much. Don’t let your dog eat too many sugary treats, including fruit.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are even more resources about different human foods your dog can and cannot eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Durian
- Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit
- Can Dogs Eat Pears
- Herbs That Dogs Can Eat
- Can Dogs Eat Baby Food
- Is Cornbread Safe For Dogs
- Can Dogs Eat Raspberries
Find lots more articles on foods dogs can and can’t eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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Nice information
Informative! Turns out my dog is one of the ‘some’ dogs that don’t really like it, which kinda shocked me cuz she likes everything, even durians.
On the first try, she needed a little coaxing and playing hard-to-get with the nail-sized piece of fruit to get her to stop dropping it out of her mouth.
Really appreciate the article, keep it up 🤍
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the article and found the information to be helpful.