As a snack, can dogs eat apricots? What about dried or candied apricots? Read this guide before sharing it with your furry friend.
If you want to give your dog apricots – or any type of food made with apricots, then read this guide.
Apricots are a healthy fruit that is loaded with vitamins, but there are still some things you need to know before sharing even small quantities with your pet.
For ultimate pet safety, please ask your vet any questions you have regarding your dog eating apricots.
Can Dogs Have Apricots
Yes, your canine friends can safely eat apricots, as long as you give them to them in a safe way. Always remove the stems, leaves, and pits. Cut up the apricots into small pieces and give it to them without any added sugar.
If you do this, it is safe to give apricots to dogs.
Remember, your dog’s main source of nutrition should always come from dog food. Fruits, such as apricots, have lots of fiber. Dogs that eat too much fiber might get a stomach ache or diarrhea.
What about other types of fruit? Read this complete guide about the types of fruit that are safe for dogs, and ones you should avoid.
Are Apricots Bad For Dogs
Have you ever wondered, “are apricots poisonous to dogs?” The good news is that apricots are not toxic to dogs. However, the stems, leaves, and pits all contain cyanide, which is toxic. Do not let your dog eat any of these things.
Are Dogs Allergic To Apricots
No, dogs are not typically allergic to apricots. Any time that you introduce a new food to your pet, it’s a good idea to watch for signs of allergies.
Allergic reactions might show up like coughing, sneezing, or itching. If you think your dog is allergic to apricots, keep them away from this fruit and contact your veterinarian for more information.
Are Apricots Good For Dogs
Yes, apricots are good for dogs to eat, in small amounts. Too much apricot might give your dog gas or diarrhea, but there are quite a few health benefits of it too.
Benefits Of Apricots
Just like other healthy foods like apples and carrots, apricots can be a healthy treat for your fur baby.
Here is a bit more information about the health benefits of apricots.
- Beta Carotene – disease-fighting antioxidant
- Dietary Fiber – dietary health
- Vitamin A – helps with eyesight and skin and fur health
- Vitamin C – to support a healthy immune system.
Can Dogs Eat Dried Apricots
Yes, dried apricots are a healthy snack for your dog, as long as they don’t have added sugar. Dried fruits are fine in moderation.
Small pieces of dried apricots are full of vitamins and minerals and dogs love to chew on them.
Can Dogs Eat Canned Apricots
Due to the high sugar content in canned apricots, these are not healthy things to share with your dog.
It really all depends on how much sugar your dog ate that day. Small amounts of sugar won’t hurt them once in a while. However, lots of sugar can lead to weight gain. Overweight or obese dogs are at a higher risk for heart disease and diabetes.
It is best to refrain from giving your dog anything with added sugar in it.
Can Dogs Eat Cooked Apricots
If the apricots are cooked plain, without any added sugars, then they are fine to share with your pet. The natural sugar in apricots makes them a delicious and healthy treat.
Also, do not give your dog anything made with nutmeg since this is toxic to dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Fresh Apricots
Dog owners, let’s look closer at the different parts of the apricot and whether they are safe for your dog to eat.
Remember, just like with other types of fresh fruit, you should moderate how much they eat.
Can Dogs Eat Apricot Seeds
When it comes to apricot pits and dogs, it’s best to always remove the seed before giving them the fruit. This is because the apricot seeds have trace amounts of cyanide in them, which is toxic to dogs.
Apricots are part of the stone fruits family. Just like a plum pit, apricot pits are a choking hazard. It’s always best to remove fruit seeds before sharing fruit with your dog – and this includes apricot kernels.
Minimize the choking risks by always removing the apricot seeds before you share it with your dog.
It’s not just choking you have to worry about. The chemical compounds in apricot pits could lead to kidney failure. Do not let your dog eat apricot seeds.
Can Dogs Eat Apricot Stems and Leaves
There are trace amounts of cyanide in apricot stems, leaves, and pits. So, “are apricots safe for dogs?” Yes, they are safe as long as you remove the stems, leaves, and pits.
If you think your dog ate any of these parts of apricot, then watch for these symptoms of cyanide poisoning and contact your veterinarian right away:
- Vomiting
- Drooling
- Right red mucus membranes
- Convulsions which can lead to death
- Aggression
- Bloody stools
- Spasms of different limbs
- Weakness
- Urinary incontinence
- Seizures
- Abnormal breathing
- Diarrhea
Dogs And Apricots – Different Foods
Now let’s take a look at the different types of food made with apricots and whether they are safe to share with your furry friend.
Can Dogs Eat Apricot Jam
Apricot jam is a sweet treat that has too much sugar to be healthy for your pet. While a small dollop probably won’t hurt your dog, eating a large amount of sugary jelly isn’t a good idea.
Can Dogs Eat Apricot Yogurt
Moderate amounts of yogurt sweetened with apricot can be a fun treat for your dog. If your pet is lactose intolerant, give them coconut yogurt instead.
Can Dogs Eat Apricot Cheese
Yes, dogs can eat apricot cheese as an occasional treat.
If your dog is lactose intolerant, apricot cheese might give them digestive problems.
Can Dogs Eat Apricot Nectar
Even though smaller amounts of apricot nectar won’t hurt your dog, it’s best to just keep it away from your dog. They don’t need the added calories in their diet.
Can Dogs Eat Apricot Oil
No, do not give your dog anything that is made from apricot oil. This is because the oil is made from the kernels or seeds of apricots, which have trace amounts of cyanide in them.
Final Thoughts
The good news is that if you cut up the apricots into bite-sized pieces, it is safe to share them with your pet. Always keep your dog away from the apricot pits, stems, and leaves. If you think your dog ate an apricot kernel (seed) then contact your veterinarian.
More Dog Food Resources
Still curious about dogs and fruit? Here is more information about different types of fruit dogs can eat and ones they should not eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Dried Cranberries
- Can Dogs Eat Honeydew
- Can Dogs Eat Kiwi
- Can Dogs Eat Lychee
- Can Dogs Eat Pomegranage
- Can Dogs Eat Plums
Find lots more articles on food dogs can eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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