There I was, waiting in the emergency room. I was experiencing the worst headache of my life. It had started one day and didn’t stop. My doctor sent me to the ER to get a CAT scan since I had no history of migraines. To pass the time while waiting, I got out my phone and checked my social media feeds. While scrolling through, I saw a photo of a puppy needing a home. That photo captured my heart. That face. Those eyes. They called out to me.

Along with the CAT scan, the ER did a lumbar puncture. The next day my headache was worse. I couldn’t stand or sit up. My spinal fluid was leaking. I had to get it patched and then lie down for 24 hours. Again, to pass the time I looked at social media. I kept going back to that photo. I showed it to my husband and asked about getting him. He said it would be nice to have a dog around the house again. That’s all it took. This puppy would be ours.
We were so excited to get another whippet puppy. As it turned out, he wasn’t like other whippet puppies. You can read more about it in my posts “Why it is Important to Socialize a Puppy” and “Milo’s First Month with Us“. Basically, he was afraid of everything, didn’t know how to play, and many other odd things. We thought he’d get to being more whippety and had no idea what the future would hold.

He came with official AKC paperwork. How exciting! He would be my first AKC registered dog. It was time to give our puppy a name. My husband suggested Milo and I liked it immediately. When I registered him, I put his name as Milo Captured My Heart.
His name is a little ironic. Milo means soldier (German or from the Latin word miles). Being afraid of everything would not make him a good soldier. However, he captured my heart so, in a way, it is fitting.

He’s a gentle, quiet dog. He never barks. It was over a year before I heard him bark and it was very muffled, unlike any other normal dog bark. The only sound he makes is difficult to describe. It’s like a combination of coo and woo. One day I hope to get it on video. He only does it first thing in the morning.

One day we had a play date for him and another dog. He responded so well. He seemed so happy to be around another dog. We then decided to look for a companion for him. Perhaps it would help him lose his fears. It was worth a chance. Plus, because of when Pancho joined our family, we knew how great it was to have more than one dog.
The story continues with Zephyr.
We must be related. Ellie is my name, 3yrs old.Rescue center found me on the street 2 yrs ago. I was finally adopted 6 months ago . People have trained me and I am one of the smartest around. I stick with my routines like so many have taught me. I’m 35lbs my face is smaller than a Labador so they call me a whipador cause I’m fast , cute and intensely shy. I love the beach early in AM when no one is around . I’m very fast running counter clock wise in circles is my favorite. I am the loyalist of dogs.walking between owners but no one can touch me. If i’m on a leash you would have to real me in to rub me down. If I see people and dog coming close I run home . If I’m leashed my owner stops and sits on curb and sweet talks me til they pass. love to roll on the grass And that is the only time my belly is exposed. I dont bark or make any sound, once a gutteral sound came out. I shake my collar if I want to go out. my owners are good about my routines.
Nothing motivates me My favorite is to sleep in the formal dinning room where its dark and quiet. But I love my 3 walks and when my owners garden I follow them around but always stay my distance and never go out into the street, I think my sreet mother taught me that and to stay close to the street curb on walks.
Hey Ellie,
Nice to meet you! I understand your fearfulness and wanting to be in a dark and quiet place. I hope you can learn to let go of some of your fears by knowing all the love and care you get from your owners. I keep trying but it’s a slow process. Just keep at it.
My dog Undiin looks very similar to Milo 🐕️🐕️
Undiin’s three months old. Now I have an idea how Undiin might look when she get older.