Whether you call them chicharrones or just pork skin, can dogs eat pork rinds? This is what you need to know about these crispy snacks.
It might seem safe since they are regarded as a low-sugar and low-carb snack, but read this guide before you share pork rinds with your dog.
For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating pork rinds.
Can Dogs Eat Pork Rinds
Pork rinds are very popular snacks for us humans! Also called pork crackling, they are salty and crunchy and a low-carb alternative to potato chips. But can dogs eat pork rinds?
If you want to give your dog pork rinds, then read this guide. We will look at whether it is safe to give your furry friend homemade pork rinds, raw pork rinds, or if it is a good idea to give your pet some pig skin to chew on.
The short answer is no; dogs should not eat pork rinds. They have too much salt and are considered unhealthy fatty food. If your dog eats them regularly, it might give your pet an upset stomach. Even though pork rinds are not toxic to dogs, they could contribute to many bad health issues.
There are many different types of pork skins – from different spices and flavors to various ways to cook and prepare them. In this guide, I’ll tell you about all of them and how safe – or unhealthy – they are for your pet.
Is Pork Skin Bad For Dogs
The pork skin itself is not bad for dogs. It’s not the healthiest part of the pork, but there is nothing toxic about pork skin.
What can harm your dog is how it is prepared and the spices that are used on it.
If you don’t know if your pet will have an allergic reaction to it, give them a small amount first. If your dog has a sensitive stomach, then pig skin might give them stomach upset.
Never give your dog raw skin of a pig. Even small pieces might contain trichinella spiralis larvae, which is a worm that can make your canine friend very sick. If your dog happens to eat raw pork of any type, watch for the following symptoms:
- Agitation
- Fever
- Lack of Appetite and Weight Loss
- Extreme Tiredness
- Depression
Can Dogs Eat Pork Scratchings
Pork scratchings are made from the pork’s shank rind and cooked just once. They are very high in salt and fat. For this reason, they are not a good snack for dogs.
Dogs that eat too much fat can gain an unhealthy amount of weight, leading to heart disease or diabetes.
Dogs should also not eat too much salt. In fact, dogs that eat too many salty foods can get salt poisoning.
Symptoms of salt poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, excessive thirst or urination, and even seizures. If your dog eats pork rinds and shows any of these symptoms, call your dog’s veterinarian.
Can Dogs Eat Cooked Pork Skin
As long as you cook the pork skin yourself and don’t use any added salt or spices, cooked pork skin can be a safe treat for your dog.
You should still limit how much of it you give your pet. Pork skin still contains fat – so don’t use too many added oils either.
There aren’t any health benefits of these cooked pork products. The high fat content could lead to high blood pressure. Even though it is a tasty treat, the lack of nutritional value and excess fat content makes this something you should only give to your dog on very rare occasions.
Can Dogs Eat Dehydrated Pork Skin
The safest way to prepare pork skin for dogs is to dehydrate it at home without added salt.
This avoids any unhealthy fats or oils and gives your dog something crunchy to munch on. It takes quite a bit of time. This oven-roasted pork skin recipe is one of my favorites. It takes about 12 hours to dry out the skin completely, so give yourself plenty of time.
Due to the risk of salt poisoning from pork rinds, it’s best to make this popular snack at home for your dog. Dry out some ham skin but do not give your dog table scraps.
Can Dogs Eat Pickled Pork Skin
No, dogs should not eat pickled pork skin. Pickling anything involves using lots of salt and vinegar. Dogs are very sensitive to salt. If they eat too much, they could get salt poisoning.
Do not let your dog eat pickled pork skin. Symptoms of salt poisoning include abdominal pain and dehydration.
Can Dogs Eat Pickled Pork Skin
No, dogs should not eat pickled pork skin. Pickling anything involves using lots of salt and vinegar. Dogs are very sensitive to salt. If they eat too much, they could get salt poisoning.
Do not let your dog eat pickled pork skin.
Can Dogs Eat Smoked Pork Skin
Yes, dogs can eat smoked pork skin as long as it is unsalted and smoked plain. The pork skin itself isn’t the problem, it is all the extra fats, oils, and salt.
Smoking the skin can be a safe way to prepare pork skin for dogs. Just make sure you smoke them without any garlic, onion, or salt.
Can Dogs Eat Boiled Pork Rinds
Boiled pork rinds are another safe way to cook pork skins for dogs. Boiling the pork skin might be safe, but it probably won’t be very appetizing. It won’t make it very crispy, which is a dog’s favorite thing about pork skins.
Can Dogs Eat Fried Pork Rinds
No, dogs should not eat fried pork rinds. Frying any type of food – including pork skins – increases how much fat it has. Do not give your dog fried pork rinds.
Types of Pork Rinds and Dogs
Now that you know the safe and unsafe ways to prepare pork rinds, let’s look at the different flavors. I’ll tell you right now that plain pork rinds are the safest kind you can give your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Plain Pork Rinds
Yes, dogs can eat plain pork rinds, as long as you don’t fry them in a lot of oil. Homemade plain pork rinds are safe for dogs in small amounts.
If you buy plain pork rinds from the store, chances are it will have too much fat to be a healthy option for dogs.
Can Dogs Eat BBQ Pork Rinds
No, dogs should not eat BBQ pork rinds. There is usually added sugar and garlic and onion on BBQ pork rinds. Garlic and onion are both very unsafe ingredients for dogs to eat.
Can Dogs Eat Spicy Pork Rinds
Dogs should not eat spicy pork rinds either. Spicy foods could cause throat and digestion irritation. Do not let your dogs eat any kind of spicy foods – including pork rinds.
Final Thoughts
Pork rinds are a very problematic snack for dogs. The only safe way to prepare pork skins for dogs is to dehydrate them and serve them plain. Do not give your dog any kind of pork rinds that you buy from the store.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are even more resources about different types of foods your dog can and cannot eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Pretzels
- Can Dogs Eat Brazil Nuts
- Can Dogs Eat Barley
- Can Dogs Eat Beef Jerky
- Can Dogs Eat Ham
- Can Dogs Eat Slim Jims
- Can Dogs Have Black Beans
- Can Dogs Eat Golden Oreos
Find lots of articles about human food dogs can eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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