It’s a healthy root vegetable, but can dogs eat parsnips? Learn all about this veggie and how safe it is for dogs.
As humans, we like to eat parsnips roasted, fried, even raw on salads. Have you ever wondered if it is safe to share this veggie with your dog? If so, this guide is for you! I’ll answer all your questions.

For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating parsnips.
Can Dogs Eat Parsnips
Parsnips are healthy bulb vegetables, just like brussel sprouts. They have low calories and are a good thing for a healthy dog to snack on.
You’ve probably heard about the array of health benefits parsnips have for you, but what about your dog? Can dogs have parsnips?
Yes, dogs can have parsnips. In fact, many of the same health benefits that we experience from them are the same for our pups.
There are lots of safe ways to prepare and share them with your dog. Keep reading and I’ll go into detail about how to safely make parsnips for dogs and what to watch out for.

Are Parsnips Good For Dogs
Yes, parsnips are really good for dogs. They are really high in vitamins – they have lots of vitamin B6 (for energy) and C (for a healthy immune system).
Parsnips also contain antioxidants that fight free radicals. Free radicals cause damage to cells are known to increase the risk for some types of cancer.
These veggies are quite the power food. They are also an excellent source of fiber for gut health and are high in folic acid. Folic acid boosts your dog’s metabolism and helps their nervous system stay healthy too.
Parsnips are just as good for dogs as sweet potatoes or green beans. They are high in vitamin C and are a healthy snack for dogs. They are also good for dogs with kidney disease because they promote healthy kidney function. Giving your dog parsnip in small quantities can be a healthy treat.
Parsnips are a good source of fiber and they support a healthy nervous system.
Read this guide to find out more vegetables dogs can eat.
Is Parsnip Bad For Dogs
The only bad thing about parsnips is how much fiber they have. Some dogs are extra sensitive to fiber and it can give them loose stools or even diarrhea.
If you know that your dog has already consumed food with lots of fiber today, save the parsnips for another time.
It is best to give them to your dog in small amounts. In fact, any time that you introduce a new food to your pet, watch for signs of an upset stomach, just in case it doesn’t agree with them.
One more thing dog owners should watch out for is letting their dog eat wild mushrooms. They are nicknamed the “poison parsnip” even though they are not parsnips at all.
Can Dogs Eat Parsnips Raw
es, it is safe to give your dog raw parsnips. In fact, chewing on raw parsnips might be good for your dog’s teeth.
Depending on your dog’s chewing abilities, it might be a good idea to cut up the veggie into small pieces. Some dogs have no problem chewing it, others try to swallow large chunks whole, which could be a choking hazard. Do what is best for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Parsnip Peelings
Yes, dogs can safely eat parsnip peelings. The only real danger with this is whether the parsnips are organic. If they are not organic, there is a chance that there might still be pesticide residue on the skin, so you should either scrub them or peel them.
Unpeeled parsnips can be a healthy option to add to your dog’s homemade food.
Can Dogs Eat Parsnip Skin
Yes, dogs can safely eat parsnip skin, but they might not want to. Most of the flavor is in the parsnip itself.
If you are going to allow your dog to eat parsnip skin, make sure the parsnip is organic. It shouldn’t affect your dogs, even if they have sensitive stomachs.
Can Dogs Eat Parsnip Juice
Parsnip juice is safe for dogs, but it isn’t a good idea to give it to them. Any type of juice from fruits or vegetables contains way too much sugar and carbs to be a good idea for dogs.
The only liquid that dogs should drink is water. The juice will just fill their body with more calories and make them more likely to gain too much weight.
Even though parsnip juice has vitamins C, you should still not give it to your dog, even a small dog.
Can Dogs Eat Cooked Parsnips
Yes, dogs can eat cooked parsnips – just make sure they are cooked plain, without dangerous spices or sauces. Cooked parsnips can be a great treat, along with some carrot sticks and butternut squash.
You should never let your dog eat garlic, onion, or soy sauce. For a full list of spices dogs can and cannot eat, refer to my guide.
Can Dogs Eat Boiled Parsnips
Yes, boiled parsnips are safe for dogs to eat. Do not add any salt, sugar, or unsafe spices or seasonings.
Be careful with how many boiled parsnips you allow your dog to eat. Too many of them could give them stomach upset since they are so high in dietary fiber.
Can Dogs Eat Roast Parsnip
Yes, dogs can eat roast parsnip. Be careful with how you roast it. Dogs should not eat anything with lots of butter, garlic, onion, or too much salt.
Parsnips that are roasted without spices or seasonings are safe to share with your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Honey Roasted Parsnips
Even though honey is a safe ingredient, it’s best to not give your dog anything with added sugar. Even though a small amount of honey roasted parsnips might not harm your dog, it could cause them to gain weight.
Dogs that eat too much sugar – including honey – are at risk for obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Just be safe and keep them away from anything that is honey roasted.
Can Dogs Eat Parsnip Noodles
Parsnip noodles are safe for dogs, but they are really high in calories, so they aren’t a good type of food for dogs.
In fact, they are way too easy to overeat and then consume too many calories. Dogs don’t need to eat carbs for energy. It’s best to just keep parsnip noodles away from your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Frozen Parsnips
Dogs can eat frozen parsnips, as long as you thaw them first. Don’t give your dog frozen vegetables while they are still frozen solid. When they are frozen, they are difficult to chew and could pose a choking hazard.
Final Thoughts
Parsnips are one of the types of root vegetables that are not only safe for dogs, but actually really good for them! Just make sure that you prepare them in a way that is beneficial for dogs. Serve them raw, cut up into bite-sized pieces, and plain (without any salt or spices).
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some more articles about other vegetables and whether they are safe for your dog to eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Beets
- Can Dogs Eat Eggplant
- Can Dogs Eat Fennel
- Can Dogs Eat Jicama
- Can Dogs Eat Turnips
- Can Dogs Eat Yams
Find lots more articles about what dogs can eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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This is an interesting topic! I had no idea that parsnips were safe for dogs to eat, so it’s good to know that they are a healthy treat for our furry friends.