Meet Lola. She’s an adorable and loveable whippet puppy that recently joined a family with three other dogs. Check out these fun facts about her as told by her human mom, Chelsea.

Why did you get your dog?
I desperately wanted a whippet and she was the last of the litter.
Your Dog’s Breed or Mixed
How did you decide on your dog’s name?
I just loved the name Lola
What is your dog’s favorite toy?
Tennis Ball or socks
What is your dog’s favorite treat?
Daily dental chews
How do you spoil your dog?
Walks to the beach, daily carrots, and loads of love and hugs in bed!
What’s a funny story about your dog or how does your dog make you laugh?
We have a sofa in the living room and Lola loves to run around the sofa like it’s an island. She then uses the back of the sofa to bounce off of, like a spring!
How do you have fun and play with your dog?
Daily walks, throw her the ball and she brings it back, tug of war with her rope
Is there anything special or unique about your dog? If so, what is it?
We went to collect Lola one evening in the dark, but when we turned up, the area looked extremely dodgy and we didn’t want to get out of the car!! We decided we would go back to see her in the daytime when we could see what was going on around. We had already decided at this point we needed this dog because of her environment. They wanted to be rid of Lola so badly that they dropped her off to us that evening so we didn’t even need to go back!
What else would you like to share about your dog?
She’s the most wonderful, fun-loving puppy I have ever owned. She is one of 4 dogs of mine and being only 20 weeks old, I expect very puppy-like things from her, but she’s just incredible, sweet-natured and loving.
Thanks Chelsea for sharing the fun of your puppy Lola! Give her belly rubs from me.
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