Meet Carl. He’s a sweet and fun-loving dog that’s a Pit Bull mix. Carl’s story starts as many do, as a dog in a shelter needing a loving and caring home. He was passed over by so many for the wrong reason. Luckily, he was saved and now lives a happy, spoiled life. His human mom makes homemade treats for him, like these Pumpkin Apple Dog Biscuits.

Check out these fun facts about him as told by his human mom, Coleen. Then scroll down to see more fun photos of Carl.
Why did you get your dog?
He was a foster failure. My husband had been working one-on-one with Carl for four months to help him get adopted, but the dogs at the shelter were coming down with an illness called “strep zoo.” We fostered him so he wouldn’t get sick, and our Australian shepherd, Reese, who usually hates other dogs, loved Carl, so we adopted him ourselves.
Your Dog’s Breed or Mixed
Pit Bull Mix
How did you decide on your dog’s name?
Carl was the name the shelter gave him, and we decided not to change it.
What is your dog’s favorite toy?
Westminster Pet Monster Squeaky Plush (affiliate link)
What is your dog’s favorite treat?
Sojos biscuits, Zuke’s chews, bully sticks — really, anything even remotely edible
How do you spoil your dog?
He sleeps in the human bed, under the covers.
What’s a funny story about your dog or how does your dog make you laugh?
Pit bulls have a reputation as “vicious” dogs, but Carl didn’t get that memo. He’s afraid of: traffic cones, kids on skateboards, stone garden statues, my husband’s back massager, my 6-year-old son’s toys, etc. He likes to lay on soft surfaces and has fallen asleep in my husband’s guitar case, the laundry basket, and on top of my nursing pillow. Having a cuddle with him is a full-contact sport. He doesn’t seem to know his size and will attempt to fit his whole body in my lap. His favorite game is something we call “bitey face” and he’s very vocal while playing — he sounds like a Wookiee.
How do you have fun and play with your dog?
We take long walks, and find an enclosed area to let him off-leash so he can run at top speed (have “zoomies”). He also loves to earn treats by doing tricks (he knows sit, down, and shake paw). Sometimes we’ll do something called “shaping” — I’ll put an object down (a box, a bucket, etc.) and just see what he does with it. I’ll reward him for interacting with the object, and just where it leads.
Is there anything special or unique about your dog? If so, what is it?
He managed to survive 6 months at a high-kill municipal shelter. He was constantly passed over due to what people thought was excessive energy, but he really, he was just under-exercised. Once he was out of the shelter and got two decent walks a day, he was mostly a couch potato.
What else would you like to share about your dog?
Don’t write off pit bulls because of their reputations! They are the biggest loves and silliest dogs and will make your life so much richer.
Carl’s first night at his furever home:

Carl keeping the laundry from escaping the basket:

Carl having a blast doing zoomies in the snow:

Here he is with his favorite toy:

He loves snuggling on his human mom’s lap:

Many thanks to Coleen for sharing the fun of her sweet dog, Carl! Check out Coleen’s food blog, The Redhead Baker, for lots of yummy recipes for humans and a few more for dog treats.
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