It has a pleasant citrus smell, but can dogs eat lemongrass? Read this guide before letting your dogs eat this herb.
It grows in Southeast Asia – especially Sri Lanka – and has a memorable citrus-like scent. Before you share this plant with your furry friend or use this essential oil on your dog’s skin, read this guide.

For ultimate pet safety, please ask your vet any questions you have regarding your dog eating lemongrass.
Can Dogs Eat Lemon Grass
You might recognize lemongrass as a common ingredient in Thai cooking. Or maybe you heard a holistic veterinarian suggest it as a natural flea or bug repellent.
This is a dangerous plant for dogs, do not let your dog eat it. As an essential oil, it is safe for use on or near dogs, but you must be cautious and safe.
Keep reading and I’ll tell you how to safely use lemongrass with your dog and why they shouldn’t eat it.

Is Lemongrass Toxic To Dogs
Lemongrass is listed as non-toxic and safe to plant in gardens where dogs have access and might accidentally eat it.
Since the plant is non-toxic, you don’t have to watch for any signs of toxicity in the rare cases that they get into your garden and eat a few pieces. However, if your pet eats too much, it could cause stomach upsets. In severe cases, if your dog eats too much lemongrass, it could get stuck in the digestive tract and cause an intestinal blockage.
If your dog eats large amounts of lemongrass, watch for the following symptoms of lemongrass poisoning:
- Abdominal Pain
- Swollen Belly
- Fever
- Inability to pee or poop
- Loss of Appetite
- Vomiting
Do not give lemongrass to your dog if they have liver disease since it is tough to digest.
Is Lemongrass Safe For Dogs
Yes, lemongrass in small quantities is safe for dogs. The best way to use lemongrass around or for your dog is to follow the directions on pet products that contain it as an ingredient.
In fact, it has common use as a bug repellent for dogs.
Is Lemongrass Bad For Dogs
Some toxic plants are related to lemon grass. Watch out for any plants that contain cyanogenic glycosides. These are natural plant toxins and could make your furry friend pretty sick.
Please contact your veterinarian if you notice your pet exhibiting any of these symptoms.
- abdominal pain
- intestinal blockage
- liver damage
Is Lemongrass Good For Dogs
In very small amounts, lemongrass has a lot of benefits for dogs.
This medicinal herb has antifungal properties. This essential oil can be used with a carrier oil to fight fungus on a dog’s skin. It increases blood circulation and is good for your dog’s heart.
The plant also has a lot of essential nutrients. Even so, you should not let your dog eat large quantities of lemongrass, or it could make them sick.
Is Lemongrass Oil Safe For Dogs
Lemongrass essential oil is a common ingredient in many all-natural or plant-based dog products. This oil is safe to use on dogs and around canines. Just be careful with how much you use and how you use it around your pet.
Essential oil diffusers are dangerous to use around dogs. Since your fur baby has such a sensitive nose, diffusing strong oils around your dog could irritate their nose or breathing. Only use a small amount of the oil when you diffuse it.
It is also safe to use topically, but since it is a potent oil, you need a carrier oil. If you don’t mix lemongrass oil with coconut oil first, it could give your pet skin irritations.
Read more about essential oil diffuser toxic to dogs.

Lemongrass Oil For Fleas
Even though we think it has a pleasant smell, this oil is awful for fleas! This is a common ingredient in many all-natural flea sprays for dogs.
Be very careful if you try to mix your own essential oil blend. If you make it too strong, it might irritate your dog’s skin.
Lemongrass Spray For Dogs
There are a lot of different uses of lemongrass spray for dogs. You can use it as an all-natural insect repellent or put it in a spray bottle and add a mist to your furniture to kill or repel fleas.
It also has a strong tick-repellent nature, and you might find lemongrass as an ingredient in some flea collars.
Lemongrass Dog Shampoo
There are also some different types of dog shampoo that contain lemongrass. Not only does this smell amazing, but it will naturally repel bugs.

Can Dogs Eat Lemongrass Plant
There are many different types of lemongrass plants, some of which are safer for dogs than others.
Variety of lemongrass
These are the most common lemongrass types, and they are non-toxic to dogs. Still, you should not let your dog eat a lot of the plants because it could give them an upset stomach.
- Malabar Grass – Cymopogon Flexuosus
- Citronella Grass – Cymbopogon Nardus and Cymbopogon winterianus
- Citronella Plant – Cymbopogon Nardus
- Oil Grass
- West Indian Lemon Grass – Cymbopogon Citratus
Parts Of the Plant
Since dogs are carnivores, eating too much fiber could give them an upset stomach. Even though all of the following parts of the plant are non-toxic, you should still watch your pet and make sure they don’t overeat them.
- Lemongrass Berries
- Lemongrass Flowers
- Lemongrass Leaves
- Lemongrass Stalks
Lemongrass For Dogs
Lemongrass poisoning only happens if your dog eats too much and creates a blockage in its intestines. This is why it is important to watch your dog and ensure they don’t eat too many plants.
Dog Ate Lemongrass – What Do I Do
First, look at how much lemongrass your dog ate. Try to make a note, so you know what to tell the veterinarian. Then, watch for any serious symptoms. If your dog begins to act lethargic and has trouble peeing or pooping, you should contact your veterinarian.
Treatment options might include intravenous fluids and pain medication, depending on how sick your dog is.
Why Does My Dog Eat Lemongrass
Dogs are attracted to lemongrass because it has a bright and vibrant odor. The citrus smell attracts your pup to it. Dogs, especially young puppies, are perfectly normal to explore their world through their mouth.
Can Dogs Eat Lemongrass Chicken
Yes, dogs can eat small amounts of lemongrass chicken as long as it is made without too much salt, and doesn’t have any garlic or onion on it.
Can Dogs Have Lemongrass Tea
Dogs should not drink lemongrass tea. Even though drinking it probably won’t hurt your pet, they should be getting all of their hydration just from water.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, lemon grass is dangerous for dogs when they eat too much. Small bits of it might not hurt your dog. It’s better to be safer and keep it away from your dog if possible.
More Dog Food Resources
What other human foods are safe for dogs? Here are some more resources about different herbs dogs can and can’t eat:
- Can Dogs Eat Basil
- Can Dogs Eat Chives
- Can Dogs Eat Cilantro
- Can Dogs Eat Ginger
- Can Dogs Eat Matcha
- Can Dogs Eat Oregano
- Can Dogs Eat Rosemary
Find lots of information about human food dogs can eat (and ones they can’t) here on Spoiled Hounds!
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This article exemplifies the importance of knowledge sharing within the pet community, offering an enlightening perspective on dogs and lemongrass.
Thank you for the information. I had no idea that lemongrass could have some health benefits for dogs, like aiding in digestion and providing essential nutrients. On the flip side, it’s equally crucial to be aware of the potential risks, such as choking hazards or digestive issues.