It might seem harmless, but can dogs eat cream cheese? This guide will look at all the different flavors and answer if they are safe for dogs.
You might have heard that dairy isn’t good for dogs, but let’s look closer at cream cheese and whether it is harmful for pets.

For ultimate pet safety, please ask your vet any questions you have regarding your dog eating cream cheese.
Can Dogs Eat Cream Cheese
Cream cheese is technically safe for dogs – it isn’t toxic or poisonous for them. However, you should still avoid letting them eat too much of it.
As with other dairy products, a dog’s body doesn’t produce very much lactase which is a very important enzyme that breaks down dairy for digestion. If they eat too much milk or cheese – including cream cheese – they could experience bad stomach aches and diarrhea.
That’s not the only thing to be aware of. There are lots of other flavors and ingredients used in cream-cheese snacks (like dips and spreads) that might upset your dog’s stomach.
This guide will look closely at all of the different ways you can prepare cream cheese and whether it is safe or healthy for your dog to eat.

Can My Dog Eat Cream Cheese
The short answer is that yes – your dog can eat cream cheese – but it isn’t a good idea.
Not only could the cream cheese give your dog an upset stomach or diarrhea from the lactose, but it’s really high in fat too. As with other types of cheese, your dog doesn’t benefit from eating it.
Small portions of cream cheese won’t hurt your dog. How much cream cheese they can eat depends on their size – but it’s good to just give them small bits of human foods as an occasional treat.
Is Cream Cheese Bad For Dogs
Cream cheese isn’t beneficial for dogs. Too much of it could give your dog gas at best or diarrhea at worst.
It’s also really high in fats and sugars.
For this reason, cream cheese is not a good idea to share with your dog. Too much cheese could cause unhealthy weight gain. This is true for low-fat cheeses too. The best option is to just keep your dog away from it.
If you stumbled upon this article looking for information about blue cheese, then I’ll tell you briefly that this type of cheese is bad for dogs too. One of the toxic ingredients in blue cheese is roquefortine c. Do not let them eat blue cheese either.

Is Cream Cheese Good For Dogs
Cream cheese has protein, calcium, and lots of vitamins and minerals. In very small amounts, it can be really good for your pet.
It is a good source of vitamin A and essential fatty acids.
Too much of it could harm their teeth and upset your pet’s stomach. Even though cream cheese is nutritious, it isn’t a good idea to give it as a meal replacement or a large snack.
Is Cream Cheese Safe for Dogs
A very small amount of cream cheese is safe for most dogs. If you give your pet cream cheese and they react with an upset stomach, do not give them any more of it.
So, is cream cheese ok for dogs? Yes, it is ok in small amounts on rare occasions, but even a small piece has high fat content that is not good for your dog.
Can Puppies Eat Cream Cheese
Since a small puppy’s digestive system is so new and sensitive, do not give them cream cheese (or any dairy really). Until they are older and can handle small amounts of dairy, don’t let them eat it.
When you introduce cream cheese to your dog for the first time, only give them a small amount of cheese. Watch for signs of an allergic reaction to the lactose.
Can Dogs Eat Philadelphia Cheese

Philadelphia is one of the most well-known brands of cream cheese. Can dogs eat Philadelphia cream cheese?
Just like with my previous advice in this post, dogs should only eat a small amount of Philadelphia cream cheese on rare occasions.
Can Dogs Eat Low-Fat Cream Cheese
If dogs shouldn’t eat foods with lots of fat, can dogs eat light cream cheese?
The fat isn’t the only problem with cream cheese – lactose is also an issue. That being said, low-fat cream cheese might be a better choice for the rare treat than full-fat cream cheese.
Always avoid anything with added sugars or spices.
Can Dogs Eat Whipped Cream Cheese
As long as there aren’t any added sugars in the whipped cream cheese, dogs can safely eat a very small amount.
Read the ingredients carefully. Too much sugar is unhealthy for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Vegan Cream Cheese
This depends on how it is made. Most vegan cream cheese spreads are made from pureed nuts (usually cashews). If your dog has a nut allergy, stay away from vegan cream cheese.
You should also read the ingredients really closely. If the vegan cream cheese is made with too much salt, or has garlic or onions in it, do not give it to your dog at all. These are harmful ingredients for dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Cream Cheese Spread
Cream cheese spread is only safe for dogs in very small amounts. Do not give your dog any spreads that are made with garlic, onions, spicy peppers, or added sugar.
Can Dogs Eat Flavored Cream Cheese
Let’s look at the most popular flavors of cream cheese and how safe they are for your pup.

Can Dogs Have Strawberry Cream Cheese
Yes, dogs can eat strawberry cream cheese – but only in small amounts. Read the ingredients and don’t give your dog any varieties that are made with artificial ingredients or added sugar.
It’s a better idea to puree some unflavored cream cheese with a few fresh strawberries.
Strawberries have natural sugar in them, so only give your dog a small amount of this spread at a time.
Can Dogs Eat Blueberry Cream Cheese
Yes, dogs can eat blueberry cream cheese. Just like with the strawberry kind, do not give your dog any that is made with artificial ingredients or added sugar.
If you want, just mix in some fresh blueberries with a little bit of cream cheese and give that to your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Cream Cheese with Chives
Chives are in the onion family. For this reason, you should never give your dog any kind of cream cheese with chives in it. For more information, check out this guide about spices dogs can and cannot eat.
Can Dogs Eat Salmon Cream Cheese
A small amount of salmon cream cheese is safe for your dog. Most varieties of it have added sugar, so only give them a small amount at a time on rare occasions.
Can Dogs Eat Cream Cheese Frosting

No, dogs should never eat cream cheese frosting – or any kind of frosting for that matter.
Not only does frosting have way too much sugar to be good for your pet, but it also has vanilla. Pure vanilla extract is dangerous for dogs. For more information read the guide to dogs and spices.
It’s better for you to make homemade cream cheese frosting that is safe for dogs. To do this, combine 4 ounces of cream cheese with 1/4 cup of peanut butter. Now you have something that is safe and healthy to give your pet in really small amounts.
The same information is true for ice cream made with cream cheese. It might give your pup digestive problems and the sugar content could lead to other health problems like high blood pressure.
Can Dogs Eat Cream Cheese Fruit Dip
Yes, dogs can eat cream cheese fruit dip, as long as it doesn’t have added sugar to it.
Read this guide to fruits dogs can and cannot eat before you share fruit dip with them.
Can Dogs Eat Bread With Cream Cheese
Bread is another type of food that is safe for dogs in small quantities. A half of a slice of bread with a small bit of plain cream cheese probably won’t hurt your dog (unless they are lactose intolerant or allergic).

Can Dogs Eat Cream Cheese Bagel
An entire bagel with cream cheese might be too many carbs and dairy for your pet to eat. A few bites probably won’t hurt them. Just make sure you don’t give your dog any bagels that have seeds, garlic, or onions on them.
Can Dogs Eat Crackers and Cream Cheese
Crackers in small amounts are generally safe for dogs. A few cracks with a tiny bit of cream cheese is probably safe.
This guide – can dogs eat crackers – explains all the different types of crackers and how safe they are for your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Cream Cheese and Chives Crackers
No, dogs should not eat cream cheese and chives crackers. Chives are in the onion family, so you should not let your dog eat them.
My Dog Ate Cream Cheese – What Do I Do?
If your dog ate cream cheese and you don’t know if they are lactose intolerant or allergic, watch them closely. Chances are the worst that will happen is they will have diarrhea.
If your dog starts acting lethargic or their digestion doesn’t return to normal, contact your veterinarian.
Final Thoughts
Cream cheese is one of those types of food that is safe in very small amounts and on rare occasions. I would not give it to my dog regularly or a bunch at a time.
Be very careful and watch for signs of lactose intolerance or dairy allergy.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some articles about other types of dairy and spreads and whether they are safe or toxic for your dog to eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Artichoke Dip
- Can Dogs Eat Blue Cheese
- Can Dogs Eat Brie
- Can Dogs Eat Cottage Cheese
- Can Dogs Eat Hummus
- Can Dogs Eat Mayo
- Can Dogs Eat Tofu
Find even more articles on human food dogs can and can’t eat here on Spoiled Hounds!

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