It’s used in both baking and curry dishes, but can dogs eat cardamom? Read this guide before giving any of this spice to your dog.
As a dog owner, you care deeply about your dog’s health. The good news is that a small amount of cardamom is safe. But that doesn’t mean you can just give your pup a curry and apple pie. Keep reading to learn about the danger of large amounts of cardamom and dogs.

For ultimate pet safety, please ask your vet any questions you have regarding your dog eating cardamom.
What Is Cardamom
Cardamom is a pod spice. This means you have to remove it from a pod and then grind it down before you can use it. This aromatic spice is in the ginger family and originated in Southern India and Sri Lanka.
It’s often used in curry and spicy Indian recipes but people also use it with nutmeg in desserts like apple pie and cookies.
It’s easy to find at the grocery store and has a lot of known health benefits.
Cardamom Vs Cardamom Pods
Cardamom and cardamom pods are the same thing since cardamom starts as a whole pod. Some people like to use whole or crushed cardamom pods in their cooking, just like they do with bay leaves. This gives the dish a stronger flavor.
It’s often easier to use ground cardamom, but either choice can work.
Green Cardamom
Green cardamom is the most common type that you’ll find at the store. It has a warm and herbal flavor and works best in sweeter dishes.
Black Cardamom
Black cardamom has a smokier flavor, so it’s used in savory dishes – like chicken entrees. People also use it for medicinal purposes. It’s historically been used as a breath freshener and to lower blood pressure.
Health Benefits Of Cardamom
- Vitamin C – supports the immune system
- Antioxidants – prevent disease
- Diuretic – promote urination
- Anti-inflammatory – protects cells from damage
- Digestion – helps relieve stomach issues and even heal ulcers

Can Dogs Have Cardamom
Yes, it is one of the safe spices that you can give to dogs, just be careful with how much of it your pup consumes at one time. It’s non-toxic and can even be good for your pup, as long as you control the amount they eat.
This is because large quantities could cause digestive issues. Also, not all dogs can eat it. It’s not recommended for pregnant dogs.
If you’re worried about whether it’s safe to give your dog cardamom, please talk to your dog’s veterinarian. They will be able to assess your furry friend and let you know if the potential health benefits outweigh the risks.
Is Cardamom Bad For Dogs
Even though it might be good occasionally, it’s not a good idea to make cardamom a regular part of your dog’s diet. This is because there is always the risk of your dog having an adverse reaction to this aromatic spice.
Let’s look at a few of the most common risks of cardamom for dogs.
Laxative Effect
Just like for humans, cardamom could act like a laxative for your dog’s body. This could be a really good thing if your dog has an upset stomach or constipation. But it could also cause overreactions in your dog’s digestive tract.
Some people use cardamom to treat digestive issues. But please don’t try to treat health issues on your dog without consulting your veterinarian.
Cardamom Allergy
It’s not likely, but you should still watch for signs of allergic reactions the first time you give your dog cardamom. Some dogs are very sensitive to it. Signs of allergies include itching, coughing, sneezing, or wheezing.
Do not let your dog breathe in the spice. It might irritate their lungs and cause difficulty breathing.
Pregnant Dogs
Experts agree that there is a risk of miscarriage if pregnant dogs eat too much cardamom. This is because it contains compounds that might stimulate the uterus. Please don’t let your dog eat cardamom (or food made with cardamom) while they are pregnant.
Pet Poison Helpline
If you’re worried about how much cardamom your dog ate, you can call the Pet Poison Help Line at 800-213-6680.
Benefits of Cardamom for Dogs
How about some good news? Yes, there are health benefits of cardamom. Just be careful with how much your dog eats.
- Antioxidants – they fight free radicals and prevent disease
- Anti-inflammatory properties – Good for the heart
- Fights Fungal Infections – Great for skin health
- Digestive Health – a pinch of this spice can help relieve bloating and indigestion
Even so, the potential benefits might not outweigh the risks. It all depends on your dog’s health.

Food With Cardmom
There are a lot of different types of human food that use cardamom. This is just a sample of the many ways it’s used. Please don’t let your dog eat the following foods. Not only could they have too much cardamom, but they might also contain other toxic spices – like nutmeg.
- Apple cardamom jam
- Apple cardamom pie
- Bread with cardamom
- Banana muffins
- Baklava
- Cardamom cake
- Cardamom chai
- Cardamom cookies
Even though cinnamon is non-toxic to dogs, cinnamon sticks or too much cinnamon powder could irritate your dog’s mouth or stomach.
Don’t let your dog eat anything made with artificial sweeteners since they are unsafe for dogs. And never let your dog eat nutmeg. Nutmeg can cause nervous system issues in dogs.
Cardamom Essential Oil
Even though the spice might be good for your dog’s overall health, you should not use the essential oil on or around your dog. Exposure to the oil might “lead to low blood sugar, liver disease, vomiting, diarrhea, and changes in heart rate.”
It’s not a good idea to diffuse it around your dog or use it directly on their skin or coat.
How To Give Your Dog Cardamom
Until you know how your dog will react to the cardamom, it’s best to give them just a little bit at a time. Sprinkle a tiny bit of cardamom powder on your dog’s food.
How much cardamom can you give a dog? Add a pinch of it to a cup of water and pour it on your dog’s food. It’s a good idea only to give your dog a very small amount each day.
Final Thoughts
Yes, it is safe to feed cardamom to your furry friend in small amounts. It can be a great treat or used to spice homemade dog treats. Remember, the medical use of cardamom should only be used under the direction of a veterinarian.
More Dog Food Resources
What other human foods are safe for dogs? Here are some more resources about different spices and herbs dogs can and can’t eat:
- Can Dogs Eat Basil
- Can Dogs Eat Cilantro
- Can Dogs Eat Cumin
- Can Dogs Eat Oregano
- Can Dogs Eat Rosemary
- Can Dogs Eat Sage
- Can Dogs Eat Thyme
Find lots of information about human food dogs can eat (and ones they can’t) here on Spoiled Hounds!
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