As much as your dog is probably going to beg for a piece, can dogs eat bologna? Read this guide before you share your sandwich with your pup.
It might seem harmless to share a piece of bologna with your furry friend. But there are lots of health risks when you let them eat this mystery meat.
Bologna is not dog food, even though almost all dogs would eat up their fill if given the chance. Keep reading and learn more about whether dogs can safely eat bologna – and what to watch out for.

For ultimate pet safety, please ask your vet any questions you have regarding your dog eating bologna.
Can Dogs Eat Bologna
As dog owners, we only want the best for our pups, and sometimes we just want to share our food with them. No matter how much they beg, you should not let your dog eat processed meat of any kind. This includes pepperoni, hot dogs, and trail bologna.
This guide will go into detail about all the different types of bologna out there and the dangers they pose to your dog if they eat it.
Even though one slice probably won’t produce many effects on most dogs, it’s safest not to press your luck.

Is Bologna Bad For Dogs
Maybe you want to give your dog an occasional treat of a tiny bit of bologna as a reward. One small bit of bologna as a small reward is safe, but don’t give them lots of it on a regular basis.
Bologna is not healthy for dogs. It is really high in both fatty acids and amino acids and has lots of salt in it too. Dogs that eat a diet high in fat are at a greater risk for obesity and heart disease.
There are also a lot of other health problems associated with bologna sausages, such as the increased risk of cancer, chronic diseases like COPD, and even hypertension.
These health risks increase if your dog eats a diet high in fat and calories – so a dog that eats a healthy diet might be able to safely enjoy a little bit of bologna once in a while.
Is Bologna Good For Dogs
No, bologna is one of the people foods that are not good for dogs. In fact, different types of bologna are known as bad foods because it has harmful ingredients such as too much salt that can make dogs sick if they eat too much of it.
There really isn’t anything healthy or good about bologna.
Can Puppies Eat Bologna
No, puppies should not eat bologna. It’s a good choice to just feed your young puppy a nutritious diet of food formulated for their growing bodies.

Can Dogs Eat Baloney – Different Types
Alright pet owners, let’s look even closer at all the different types of bologna we can buy at the store. Please scroll through and find your favorite and see how safe it is for your pet.
Remember, a small amount of these foods is generally safe for dogs on occasion, but it is probably best to just avoid giving it to them altogether.
Can Dogs Eat Beef Bologna
No, dogs should not eat beef bologna. These types of meat products have way too much salt in them to be a good idea. Larger dogs might be able to digest a small amount of bologna, but smaller dogs can’t handle that much salt.
Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bologna
Dogs should not eat chicken bologna either. It is a little bit leaner, but it still has way too much salt for a dog to eat.
Can Dogs Eat Deer Bologna
Even though this type of bologna sausage has less fat in it, you should still only give your dog a little bit at a time as a rare treat.
Can Dogs Eat Turkey Bologna
A small amount of turkey bologna might be ok for most types of dogs. Don’t give them a large portion of it every day – moderate how much they eat.
Can Dogs Eat Lebanon Bologna
No, dogs should not eat Lebanon bologna. Not only does this meat have too much salt, but it also had brown sugar added to it. Dogs should not eat any types of food that have sugar because it could increase their risk for obesity and diabetes.
Can Dogs Have German Bologna
German bologna is very risky because there are a few different ways to make it. Do not give your pet any kind of bologna that is made with garlic or onions, since these ingredients are toxic for dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Garlic Bologna
No, dogs cannot eat garlic bologna. This is unsafe for dogs since garlic is poisonous to dogs. If you think your dog ate bologna that was made with garlic, please contact your veterinarian.
Can Dogs Eat Ring Bologna
Dogs should not eat ring bologna since most types are made with corn syrup and other spices.
Can Dogs Eat Trail Bologna
Be very careful and read the ingredients before you share them with your dog. Some types of train bologna are made with garlic, which is poisonous to dogs.
Can Dogs Eat White Bologna
As long as it is not made with added sugars, garlic, or onion, a little bit of white bologna might be safe for your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Organic Bologna
Even though it is a good idea to always give your pet organic food, the bologna still has too much salt to be a healthy treat.
Can Dogs Eat Oscar Mayer Bologna
They are known for making hot dogs, but they also make lunch meat. Dogs can safely eat a little bit of this kind of bologna as long as it doesn’t have garlic or onion in it. It might be sweetened with con syrup – which is why I suggest only giving them a little bit once in a while.
Can Dogs Eat Fresh Bologna
It isn’t very healthy for them, but dogs can safely eat a small amount of fresh bologna as a rare treat. This comes with a catch: do not let your dog eat anything with garlic or onion.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Bologna
Bologna is a cured processed meat, so you don’t have to cook it before giving a small amount to your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Cooked Balogna
There really isn’t a good reason to cook bologna before sharing it with your dog. Yes, you can safely share a small amount of cooked sausage with your dog.
The cooked sausage is safest if it is low in salt and doesn’t have any garlic or onion on or in it.
Can Dogs Eat Fried Bologna
No, dogs should not eat fried bologna. This is not a healthy treat. Avoid giving your dog any kind of fried food. They have too much fat in them and could put your pet at risk for heart disease.

Can Dogs Eat Lunch Meat
What about stuff you put on sandwiches? Can dogs eat deli meat? Can dogs eat cold cuts?
As long as the lunch meat doesn’t have garlic, onion, or any added corn syrup or other sugars in it, it is safe to share a small amount with your dog.
My Dog Ate Bologna – What Do I Do
The first thing you need to do is try to figure out how much bologna your dog ate. This is especially important if you think your dog ate a lot of meat that has garlic or onion in it.
Then, watch for signs of digestion issues or lethargy. If your dog is acting really sick, call your veterinarian. Chances are your dog might be able to digest it just fine, but please ask your dog’s veterinarian if you are worried at all.
Final Thoughts
So, can dogs eat bologna? If you are looking for a treat for your pet, the best option is to give them food that was made specifically for dogs.
The safest types of meat are plain and made without any additional seasoning – like roast beef. Even though a small amount of bologna might not hurt them, over time all that fat and salt could cause health issues. The best and safest option is to just avoid it completely.
Food made with corn starch, sodium chloride, or added sweeteners is not a type of meat that is healthy for pets, especially small dogs.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some more resources about different meats dogs can eat and the types of human food that are bad for them.
- Can Dogs Eat Beef Jerky
- Can Dogs Eat Duck
- Can Dogs Eat Liver
- Can Dogs Eat Pepperoni
- Can Dogs Eat Prosciutto
- Can Dogs Eat Rib Bones
- Can Dogs Eat Salami
- Can Dogs Eat Spam
Find lots more articles on food dogs can eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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My Dede is a 12 y/old Rat terrier who will not eat any dry or wet dog food I have found! I have wet Beneful and Beyond sitting uneaten in my pantry. Also have uneaten dry Pedigree and Science Diet just hoping she would eat it! I’ve only had her 2 years and she was only eating Pedigree when she came to me. She lives in my house and we both eat in the same room. After nothing to eat for at least a day, she gives me “those eyes”! She also prefers not to eat unless I am also eating in the same room. Yes she is WAY WAY SPOILED!! I tried cooking her food and she would be ecstatic with cooked chicken, but if she finds a carrot, green bean, pea, or sweet potato, she spits it out!! I cannot afford to cook chicken for her daily and know bologna and weiners are bad for her. Do you have any suggestions? My preference would be to feed her a healthy dry food twice daily with all the water she wants. I don’t believe what most dog food manufacturers say about their food being healthy.
I feed Luke and Milo Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Skin and Stomach Lamb and Oatmeal Dry Food. I switched to it when Luke started being picky. I also sprinkle either the Stella & Chewy Magical Dinner Dust or some Liver Sprinkles on top. You could give that a try.