If you have ever wondered, “can dogs eat feta cheese?” then this guide is for you! This is how good and bad it is for dogs – and why!
It is a popular cheese for us humans to use on salads – but is it safe to share it with our pets? Keep reading and find out.

For ultimate pet safety, I recommend consulting with your vet about all the questions you have about your dog eating feta cheese.
What Is Feta Cheese?
Before we get into how safe it is for dogs, it is important to understand how different it is from other types of cheese you’ll find at the store.
Feta cheese is soft and is either made entirely from sheep’s milk, or from a combination of sheep and goat’s milk. It is usually aged in brine and it has a very distinct tangy flavor that ranges from mild to really sharp.
Can Dogs Eat Feta Cheese

You’ve probably heard the advice to keep dogs away from dairy, just in case they have a dairy or lactose allergy. But is feta cheese ok for dogs?
The safest answer is to keep your dog away from feta cheese because it’s tough to know how much lactose is in it.
Here’s where it gets confusing. Some sources say there is almost no lactose in feta cheese. Then, other sources say not to give dogs feta cheese because it has a high amount of lactose in it.
Honestly, the worst thing about feta cheese is probably the high fat content. Dogs that eat too much fat might gain weight and be at a higher risk for obesity and its related health effects.
Can Dogs Eat Greek Feta Cheese?
Yes, it is safe for dogs to eat most kinds of Greek feta cheese. I still think it is safest to just avoid it altogether, just in case your dog has an allergic reaction.
Always avoid any types of cheese that has added spices, especially garlic or spicy pepper. These are dangerous for dogs.

Feta Cheese and Dogs
Feta cheese is safe for dogs to eat, but it’s also really easy for them to overeat it too. Until you know whether your dog has an intolerance for it, only give them a tiny amount at first and see how they handle it.
Since it has so much fat in it, it’s best to limit how much of it they eat.
You also need to avoid any feta cheese that has garlic, onion, too much salt, or other spices on it. Never give your dog any foods with those ingredients.
Is Feta Cheese Good For Dogs?
There are nutrients in feta cheese that are good for dogs, but you still need to exercise caution when you let them eat a little bit. Feta cheese has lots of protein and is an excellent source of calcium.
Is Feta Cheese Bad For Dogs?
Feta cheese is only bad for dogs if the dog has lactose intolerance or the cheese is made with unsafe ingredients.
Feta Cheese For Dogs
There aren’t any dog-safe foods or treats on the market that use feta cheese for dogs. This is another reason that I suggest just keeping it away from your pup.
Final Thoughts
Even though feta cheese itself isn’t toxic to dogs, there are still too many reasons to keep it away from your pet. If you want to share a few bites of feta cheese with them, watch out for signs of lactose intolerance – gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
More Dog Food Resources
Here are some more articles about other cheesy snacks and whether they are safe for your dog to eat.
- Can Dogs Eat Brie
- Can Dogs Eat Cottage Cheese
- Can Dogs Eat Cheez Its
- Can Dogs Eat Cheetos
- Can Dogs Eat Gouda Cheese
- Can Dogs Eat Parmesan Cheese
- Can Dogs Eat Pimento Cheese
Find lots more articles about what dogs can eat here on Spoiled Hounds!
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