Shall we dance? It’s an image of dogs playing together on a t-shirt my husband gave me for a Christmas present many years ago. We had Tiger, Lexie, and Trixie at the time. I thought it was a cool image. However, I had never seen our whippets play that way. They usually did the toy pull or keep away games. Thinking it would never happen, I put the shirt in with the bunch I wore when doing yard work or cleaning the house.

Then things changed with a different set of whippets. When Luke joined our family, he and Milo started with playing bitey face. As Luke grew, bitey face advanced into what I think of as wrestling. Once he got close to Milo’s size, I noticed they would start out wrestling on their back legs in the “Shall We Dance” stance. So, of course, I had to take photos.

They crack me up with the looks on their faces. Some folks might look at the photos and think they are fighting. I swear they really are playing. They play hard and love every second of it.

I’m thinking some of the photos would make good memes. My creativity skills in that area are somewhere in the area of little to none (mostly none). Do you have any suggestions?

This photo is my favorite of the “Shall We Dance” ones. It looks like Luke is holding up both of them with one foot. Plus the way Milo is holding on to the toy in his mouth.

Milo and Luke’s antics are never-ending. It’s never boring around here with those two and the way they play. Stay tuned for more of their fun…
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