It certainly has been a rainy January. Actually, December was ridiculously rainy too. My backyard turned into a soggy mud pit. Add cold to the wetness factor and my hounds are not thrilled with the whole situation. Neither am I. Winter sucks and I’m so ready for spring and warm weather. Oh well. We have to make the best of it.

Resolutions, goals, and restarts go along with the beginning of a new year. I look back to last January when I was kicking off a couple of new things. One of those being this blog. There were so many thoughts going through my head. Should I start blogging again? I stopped because of the drain it took on my life. It had become a joyless endeavor where numbers were the highest priority.
So why would I want to start blogging again? That was a big question. As I went through the thought process, two reasons floated to the top. One was because everywhere I went people asked me about my dogs. The other is because I loved seeing updates on other people’s dogs.
I decided to jump back into the blogging world with a fun website celebrating dogs. I’d share updates on my hounds and have it so people could spotlight their dogs too. A year later, I realized I haven’t been doing much of the first reason. Why? Because I let the “this is how you should blog” get in the way of it all. The fun was being sucked out of it again.
I’m taking this rainy January to restart the fun. So get ready for posts with updates about my hounds, my life, our adventures, our challenges, our progress, our joys, and ones celebrating your dogs too.
And for a little bit of fun, here’s a photo that made me laugh. Perhaps it will bring a smile to you too.

Which photos of dogs do you like more: action shots or posed ones?
I’m way more of a fan of action shots. So on that note, I’m ending this post with one I recently took at a Georgia Rag Racing event. Enjoy!

PS. Check out all the featured hounds and get your dog featured too!
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